2019 GGB Photos
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Annie P. Ainsworth Memorial Library — Bristol Library — Emma S. Clark Memorial Library — Hauppauge Public Library — Lyons Public Library — Mahopac Public Library — Newark Public Library — Palmyra Community Library — Pleasant Valley Library — Reed Memorial Library
Annie P. Ainsworth Memorial Library
The Annie P. Ainsworth Memorial Librar held a community coat drive.

Bristol Library collected for their local food pantry: The United Church of Bristol. Their challenge was Fill the Tote. Their patrons did a great job, one even bringing boxes of baby diapers. Their tote had to be emptied 3 times in the 1 week.
Emma S. Clark Memorial Library
Fifth and Sixth Graders made dog toys for local animal shelters.
Hauppauge Public Library
Hauppauge Public Library patrons created no-sew blankets for their local animal shelter!
Lyons Public Library did two projects as part of the Great Give Back. They collected items needed by Family Promise of Wayne County, which helps “homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a non-governmental, non-denominational community-based response.” Three deliveries done overall. Melody, a vounteer from Family Promise is in the one photo with Theresa, Library Director. One picture is just of the basket on the desk that was used to collect items.
Under the supervision of Tabitha Fosdick, library staff member, 12 fidget quilts were delivered to the Wayne County Nursing Home on 11/14/19. The quilts took much longer to do than originally thought since each volunteer sewing them put their own touches on them. Chris from the Nursing Home is accepting the quilts from Tabitha in the photo.
Mahopac library partnered with United for the Troops to collect comfort items to send to men and women serving in the military overseas. Large red bins, as well as a list of comfort items requested, were provided by this organization. The collection was held from October 13-19. The Great Give Back project culminated in a Cards for the Troops event on October 19 from 10 am – 2 pm.
Newark Public Library collected feminine hygiene products for a month ahead of time and then assembled Period Packs on TGGB day to distribute to a women’s shelter and a drug rehab facility in our community. They assembled about 150 Period Packs, educated their community about Period Poverty, and gave people a chance to give back. It was a win/win all the way around!
The Palmyra Community Library collected brand-new items for newborn babies to be donated to Green Angels, a non-profit organization that serves families in need in Wayne County. The organization knew of 4 soon-to-be-born babies who would need clothes, diapers, formula, etc. Palmyra Community Library patrons enthusiastically filled a Pack-and-Play with necessities for babies including hand knit blankets and of course plenty of board books!

Pleasant Valley Library
Pleasant Valley Library had a donation drive for pet supplies for a local adoption center, CARE of DC. They also had a pet adoption day at the library that CARE of DC and PANT, a local cat foster program participated in. It was a big success and 3 dogs found new homes!
Reed Memorial Library collected for The Women’s Resource Center