Nassau Library System Event Archive

Baxter’s Pet Pantry & Long Island Cares
Donate October 1st-31st
Please join the Baldwin Public Library in giving back to Baxter’s Pet Pantry. We understand that when families with pets struggle with food insecurity, it also affects their pets. Emergency assistance should also include the provision of pet food and supplies. BPL asks patrons to donate supplies such as: 5 or 10 pounds bags of dog and cat food (larger bags always accepted); canned dog and cat food; kitty litter; treats; NEW toys; food for ALL PETS – included but not limited to reptiles, fish, ferrets, and hamsters!
Donation drop off boxes will be located in the Library’s lobby.
The Great Book Giveaway is Back!
Saturday, October 21st from 10:00am-3:00pm
In honor of The Great Give Back, BPL will once again host a great big giveaway of books and other items for the community. Come find a new title or uncover some old favorites. Grab a BPL bag (or bring your own) and fill it for free!
No registration required
Donations for Last Hope Animal Rescue
October 1st-31st
All ages
During the month of October we will be accepting donations for the Last Hope Animal Rescue. Last Hope Animal Rescue’s Wish List:
On October 21, 2023 we will have three different programs for the Great Give Back:
10am-11am Read to a Dog – Therapy Dogs LI will be at the library for children ages 4-12 to read an age appropriate book to a therapy dog. We encourage all participants to bring items to donate to Last Hope Animal Rescue!
11am-12pm Teen Volunteer Project – Join us and give back to Last Hope Animal Rescue in Wantagh by either assembling a no sew blanket or make a tag for pet collars. All items will be donated to the shelter. No sewing skills necessary. Community service will be awarded.
11:15am-12:30pm Great Give Back Dog Trick Benefit Show – Be bow-wowed by Diana Frohman and her quartet of dancing golden retrievers as they bring their high-energy show featuring tricks and freestyle dancing to the library! After the performance, Diana and the goldens will do a 30-minute meet and greet. Bring the whole family to enjoy a charming show for a good cause.
Advance registration is required for each program. Please go to our website at to register. Priority registration is given to Bellmore Memorial Library cardholders.
Bethpage Food Pantry Donations
October 1st-31st
All ages
We’re working to Giveback to our community! Bethpage Food Pantry Donations Throughout the month of October the library will be hosting a collection for St. Mother Teresa Outreach and Food Pantry of Bethpage. Drop in to donate non-perishables or toiletries to help those in our own community. The donation box will be located in the lobby from October 1 – 31.
We are accepting donations from all in- and out-of-district patrons, no registration necessary.
October 21st & 22nd from 11:00am-4:00pm
Ages 12-17
Teens in grades 6 – 12 can volunteer to assist with Family Game sessions during the Library’s OctaCon event.
Registration is required, and teens can sign up to assist for multiple sessions. Community Service hours will be awarded.
Bryant After Dark Presents The Great Give Back
October 14th from 5:30-7:30pm
All ages
Bryant After Dark presents The Great Give Back in partnership with The Friends of the Bryant Library and Atria on Roslyn Harbor.
As part of The Great Give Back initiative, Bryant After Dark is a unique event that blends fun and community engagement in a building-wide celebration with activities for all ages. Try your luck with bingo, paint a birdhouse with your family, get creative with paint & sip, or join in on another activity! Enjoy pizza & refreshments and groove to the DJ’s beats! Come see your library after dark!
Admission: Each person is required to bring at least two non-perishable food items. For every two non-perishable food items donated, you will receive a raffle ticket. All non-perishable food items to be donated to the JCC Community Needs Bank. Don’t miss it!
Registration is required so we know how many people to expect and which activity they will be participating in. The program is open to anyone.
Birthday Wishes Collection
October 1st-13th
We will be collecting supplies for Birthday Wishes of Long Island! Birthday Wishes is an organization that makes a difference in the lives of homeless children and their families by bringing them the joy of a birthday party. We are collecting the following items in order to make “birthdays in a box” for children living in shelters. All items must be new and unopened. Items needed include: Themed plates and napkins, plastic table cover, birthday banner, party hats, birthday candles, etc. More information about Birthday Wishes can be found at Teens can earn 2 hours of community service for every bag of supplies they collect and bring to the library.
Teens can earn an additional 2 hours of community service for wrapping and decorating the birthday boxes on Saturday, October 14 at 10 AM and 11 AM.
Registration for wrapping boxes will begin on Saturday, September 30 at
Sock Drive
October 1st-31st
All ages
We will be collecting new pairs of socks to donate to the Mary Brennan Inn. Socks must be brand new and in unopened packaging. Socks in all sizes (men, women and children) are accepted. Children can decorate a paper sock with their name to hang on our sock clothesline.
No registration required
Lunch Bags for Meals on Wheels
October 1st-31st
Ages 3-11
Make someone’s meal delivery more colorful with a bag decorated with crayons, markers and stickers. Children can stop by the children’s room on Saturdays during the month of October between 10AM- 12PM or 2-4PM to decorate a paper lunch bag for a Meals on Wheels recipient.
No registration required
Food/Sock/Hygiene Products Drive
October 14th-21st from 10:00am-5:00pm
All ages
We are collecting BRAND NEW socks (in packages), non perishable food and all sorts of unopened hygiene products for the Mary Brennan INN in Hempstead, NY. As a not-for-profit, volunteer-based organization, The INN provides a broad variety of essential services to assist those challenged by hunger, homelessness and profound poverty. Bring your donation to the library anytime during library hours from 10/14-10/21. Stop in anytime the library is open to make your donation.
Birthday Wishes
September 1st – October 14th
All ages
The East Williston Library will be partnering with BIRTHDAY WISHES & collecting much needed items for their mission to improve & empower the lives of homeless children by providing joy, play & hope through the magic of a birthday party! WE WILL BE COLLECTING ONLY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS:
Small pack of Birthday themed paper plates & napkins (no solids)
Birthday themed tablecloths
Birthday hats
Party blowers
Happy Birthday banners
Birthday wrapping paper
All are welcome
Elmont Memorial Public Library
Color A Smile
October 21st from 12:00-2:00pm
All-inclusive up to grade 5
Children up to grade 5 can join us on Saturday, October 21 from 12:00 – 2:00pm and choose a drawing to color. These pictures will be mailed to the nonprofit organization Color A Smile whose mission is “to put smiles on millions of faces”. They will send these drawings to either our troops overseas, senior citizens or anyone in need of a smile. Sometimes a cheerful picture is all that is needed. Join us for this all-inclusive activity.
No registration required
Pet Supply Drive
October 21st from 10:00am-4:00pm
All ages
Please help us, help them! Donate pet supplies for our Great Giveback event. We will be collecting much needed pet supplies for the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter. Our donation box will be located on the first floor of the library by the fish tank. Items that the shelter needs will be listed on our website and social media. Lists will also be available at the library.
No registration required
Halloween Costume Collection for Anna House
September 15th – October 15th
For all ages
New Halloween costume collection for children of Anna House at Belmont
No registration required
Franklin Square Public Library
The Great Give Back
October 21st from 10:00am-5:00pm
Children, Teen and Adults
Children – Participation will occur with children sponsoring 2 animal ambassadors from the Wildlife Center of Long Island. Jade & Jasper who are Diamondback Terrapins.
Teens – will participate by supporting the Patricia H. Ladew Foundation Inc. a sanctuary for homeless cats. The teens will be making toys to be donated.
Adults – Can participate all month long (October) by donating no perishable food items to the local Long Island Cares Food Bank.
No registration required
Give a Hand
September 1st – October 21st from 9:00am-9:00pm
All ages
The Freeport Memorial Library is asking the community to donate new or gently used winter hats, gloves or scarves for the Family & Children’s Association Walkabout Home. Walkabout is transitional housing for homeless adolescents and young adults in Freeport. Donated items for other age groups will go to their Crisis Shelter. Items can be dropped off in the Great Give Back Donation box in the library lobby.
No registration required
The Great Give Back: Cove Animal Rescue
October 1st-31st
All ages
The Great Give Back, on October 21, is a day of service for Long Island libraries. This year we are helping Cove Animal Rescue (CAR) to benefit the homeless dogs and cats in our community. CAR’s mission is to increase the adoptability of these animals through training, socialization and a cage-free environment that facilitates a smooth transition to a forever home. Please bring your donations to the Circulation Desk by Tuesday, October 31. During the month of October, the Glen Cove Public Library will accept the following donations for CAR:
Cat Food – Friskies canned and Purina Complete Dry
Kitten Food – Fancy Feast cans, Purina Kitten Chow Dry
Cat Treats – Temptations (cat requested)
Cat Toys – They love them all
Dog Food – Any brand canned
Dog Treats – Medium and large Bully Stix, any jerky or bacon treats
Dog Toys – Large dog Kongs, medium/large dog toys
Small 6” plastic coated paper plates
Paper Towels
Trash Bags – Large black; white kitchen 13-gallon bags
Laundry Detergent
Fabuloso – Cleaner
Hand Sanitizer
Dish Detergent
No registration required
Community Service Club: The Great Give Back
October 28th from 10:30-11:30am
Grades 6-12
Celebrate this day of community service by decorating a small pumpkin to donate to a local nursing home! Every volunteer will receive an hour of community service for their efforts. Please note that you must bring a small pumpkin to decorate for this program!
This program is for teens in Grades 6-12 and registration is required on the Gold Coast Public Library Website.
Great Give Back Toy Donation
October 1st – 21st
All ages
We’re accepting donations of unused and unopened toys for kids at Cohen’s Children’s Hospital all month long! Drop off is at our Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue Great Neck, NY 11023
No registration required
Cards for Kids
October 21st from 4:00-5:00pm
For ages 3-12 with an adult
Come create cards and drawings to share with children at Cohen’s Children’s Hospital!
At our Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue Great Neck, NY 11023
No registration required
Pillowcase Sewing Workshop
October 21st from 2:00-3:00pm
Sew a pillowcase to donate to Ryan’s Case for Smiles, a volunteer organization delivering bright, cheerful pillowcases in local hospitals for children and their families while they undergo treatment. Beginners welcome.
At our Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue, Great Neck, NY 11023. Register online or via phone. Walk-ins welcome as space allows.
Registration required
Kindness Rocks
October 21st at 4:00pm
Decorate a Kindness Rock with uplifting and positive messages. Teens may earn one hour of community service credit.
At our Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue Great Neck, NY 11023
Registration required
Thank You Vets – Letters to soldiers
October 21st at 11:00am
Ages 12 and up
Thank You Troops! Join us in a letter writing campaign to soldiers who have served or are still serving our Country!
Registration is required
Henry Waldinger Memorial Library
Litter Pick Up!
October 21st from 11:00am-12:00pm
The Village Green
All ages
The library is joining forces with the Valley Stream Beautification Committee to clean up the Village Green and areas surrounding the library and village hall. The committee will also be launching their first ever poster contest! All ages are welcome but children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult. This program is rain or shine. Supplies will be provided. Bring a friend!
Registration is requested. Visit our Eventkeeper calendar at to register.
Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library
Food Drive for LI Cares
October 1st-31st from 9:00am-5:00pm
All ages
During the month of October, the Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library will host a food drive. Give back to our community by donating to Long Island Cares. Look for donation boxes in the library lobby.
No registration required
Donations for Ronald McDonald House and the Give Me Shelter Project Rescue
September 21st-October 31st
All ages
The Hillside Library is collecting donations for our local Ronald McDonald House and the Give Me Shelter Project Cat Rescue. Donations accepted until the end of October.
No registration required
The Jared Box Project
October 17th from 4:00-5:00pm
Tween/Teen &
October 21st from 11:00am-12:00pm
All Ages
Since 2001, communities have participated in the Jared Box Project to bring the “gift of play” to young patients in the hospital. The Jared boxes contain small toys, crayons, coloring books, and other fun items. The library will collect donations during the months of September and October. On Tuesday, October 17, 2023 from 4-5 PM Tweens/Teens will decorate the boxes. On Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 11 AM – 12 PM All ages are welcome to fill the boxes.
No registration required
The Great Give Back / Build a Birthday-in-a-Box
October 21st from 2:20-4:00pm
All ages
Build a Birthday-in-a-Box for homeless and sheltered children ages 1 to 18. Join us and fill a box with everything needed for a child to have a great birthday celebration. You Can Make a Difference by Giving Back!
No registration required
Empower Dreams, Foster Hope!
October 2nd-31st from10:00am-7:00pm
Children and Teens
We are collecting toiletries for children and teens, including full-size deodorants and Axe products. Additionally, we are making cards for hospitalized children. Cards will be make at the library during children and teens craft time, and Family Fun Night.
No registration required
The Great Give Back-Non Perishable Food, toiletries, and paper goods donations
October 1st-21st
All ages
The Levittown Public Library will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items, paper goods, and new toiletries to distributed to local facilities. We will start collecting on October 1st and will end collecting donations during our Fall Family Fun Day on October 21st.
No registration required
Songs from the Stacks
October 20th from 6:00-9:00pm
All ages
Please join us for our very first “Songs from the Stacks,” featuring live music and food.
Peformances will be held on the main floor of the library. This event will take place during library closing hours; the library will not be operational, but please feel free to roam around our stacks. Tonight’s performance : The Jon Divello Band.
As a participating library of The Great Give Back 2023 we ask our guests to bring a pair of new socks to donate towards Soldiers’ Angels Operation: Warm Feet for Warriors. This evening’s event is cosponsored by the Friends of the Locust Valley Library.
No registration required
Halloween Costume & Book Give Away
October 16th-22nd from 10:00am-3:00pm
All ages
Halloween Costume Giveaway: Calling all kids and parents who need a Halloween costume. Come and pick out a costume for you to keep!
Book Giveaway: Need to build your home library? Come and pick from a selection of new and gently used books.
No registration required
Great Give Back: Operation Gratitude
October 21st from 2:00-4:00pm
All ages
The Malverne Library will be making cards to show gratitude to those who serve our country. These cards will be included in care packages sent to deployed troops, veterans, wounded heroes and first responders by Operation Gratitude. We are also collecting puzzle books, crazy socks, card games and small toys like yo-yos, hacky sacks and beanie babies for the care packages. All items must be new and in original packaging. Anyone unable to attend this event can stop by the library anytime from October 21 – November 3 to make a card or drop off a donation. Community service hours will be awarded to all children and teens who participate.
No registration required
Pet Food/Toy Donation
October 20th from 4:00-5:00pm
Children Grades K-6
Kids are invited to BRING a can/bag of pet food and MAKE a special toy to go with it.
Online Registration for Residents.
The Great Giveback: Session 1
October 21st from 11:00am-1:00pm
Join Librarian Erin as we give back to the community! We will be making dog toys to donate to a local shelter and writing letters to send to homebound seniors.
To participate, a Manhasset Public Library card is required.
The Great Giveback: Session 2
October 21st from 1:00-3:00pm
Join Librarian Erin as we give back to the community! We will be making dog toys to donate to a local shelter and writing letters to send to homebound seniors.
To participate, a Manhasset Public Library card is required.
Decorate to Donate
October 2nd-21st
Take and Make
Pick up a kit to decorate a tote bag for donation to a local food bank.
To participate, a Manhasset Public Library card is required.
We Care Blankets & The Crayon Initiative
October 1st-31st
All ages
We will be collecting used crayons for The Crayon Initiative and yarn for We Care Blankets. The crayons will go to hospitalized children and the yarn will be used for blankets that are donated to children undergoing chemotherapy in local hospitals.
No registration required
Mineola Library’s Fall Family Fun Day
October 14th from 11:00am-2:00pm
Outdoors in Memorial Park
All Ages
Join us for a day of fun activities for all ages in Memorial Park. We will have: A Petting Zoo A visit from Saber Endor Temple A DJ Caricaturist Marty Macaluso Girl Scouts of Nassau County Travelling Trefoil Van Purchase Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches from SMUSHT Cart Child IDs Face Painting Free Snacks and more! We will be hosting a drive for General Needs, an organization helping veterans for over 14 years. Bring a NEW, SEALED, IN PACKAGE ONLY donation of socks, underwear, and T-shirts in adult sizes medium and up and receive a free mini pumpkin (while supplies last) to decorate. We will also continue collecting through Tuesday, October 24th. There will be a box in the vestibule. In the event of inclement weather, all activities will be moved indoors. Please check our social media pages for updates.
No registration required
Forest City Park Clean Up
October 21st from 10:00am-12:00pm
Forest City Park, Wantagh, NY
All ages
Community members and staff will come together to remove trash and debris from a local park.
No registration required
Treats for Troops
October 21st from 9:30am-5:00pm
All ages
Drop off unopened bags of candy that you have around the house to be donated to the troops.
No registration required
Operation Paperback Donation Drive
October 21st from 9:30am-5:00pm
All ages
Drop off your gently used paperbacks to be donated to the members and veterans of our armed forces. Please note, we will not accept any hardcover books or any books that are damaged (water stains, food stains, torn pages, etc.).
No registration required
Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library
Celebration Boxes
October 1st-21st from 11:00am-2:00pm
OBEN Public Library
All ages
We will be collecting party supplies for the underprivileged this year for The Great Give Back. We will be collecting from October 1 – 21. On the last day, we ask volunteers to come assemble boxes/kits to be donated to Birthday Wishes in Hicksville, NY.
We ask that the people coming to assemble the boxes will bring materials with them, as well.
Registration is encouraged, but walk-ins are also welcomed.
Island Harvest Collection
October 7th-21st
All ages
From October 7th-21st, we will have a donation box in our lobby to collect food for the Long Island Cares food bank. Acceptable items are those not damaged or expired. Community service credit will be given to each child or teenager who donates. They will receive 1 hour of credit for donating a minimum of 2 non-perishable, not expired food items. A maximum of 3 hours of community service credit can be received.
No registration required
Plainview-Old Bethpage Library
The Great Give Back
October 9th-21st
All ages
The Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library is excited to once again participate in the Great Give Back in October 2023! The mission of The Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for the patrons of the Public Libraries of New York State to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences.
Donations can be dropped off in the front vestibule of the main entrance starting Monday, October 9 – Saturday, October. 21, 2023.
Food Drive
The Library is collecting non-perishable, unexpired food items to help support the Mid-Island Y JCC’s Rudman Family Food Pantry. Visit our website to view Items in high demand.
Recycle for Sight
Donate your gently used prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, or reading glasses to be donated to the Lion’s Club and help restore vision for someone in need.
Stars of Hope Program
Monday, October 23 at 6:30 pm
Help us bring positivity into the world! Join us to decorate and donate a wooden star to Stars of Hope. All completed wooden stars will be sent to Stars of Hope to bring inspirational messages to communities where tragedies and disasters have happened.
Online registration required. Registration begins Monday, September 25, 2023 at 9 am.
For Stars of Hope program: online registration only. Online registration begins Monday, September 25, 2023 at 9am.
Port Washington Public Library
Food & Personal Care Item Collection
October 1st-22nd from 9:00am-9:00pm
All ages
The mission of The Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for the patrons of Long Island libraries to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences. PWPL will be collecting food and personal care items for local pantries.
Food Pantries – Needed items include: cooking oil, canned fruit, pasta, pasta sauce, mac and cheese, applesauce and canned vegetables. Please be mindful of expiration dates on donated items and no opened packages.
Personal Pantry – Needed items include: laundry detergent, kitchen dish soap, tissues, hand soap, toothpaste, and mouthwash.
No registration required
Rockville Centre Public Library
The Great Give Back
October 1st-31st from 9:00am-5:00pm
All ages
RVC will be partnering with Hispanic Brotherhood for the Great Give Back. We will have a donation box in the library to collect toiletries, socks and slippers. Suggested toiletries include shampoo, soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, tissues and feminine hygiene products.
No registration required
Food for NOSH
October 21st
All ages
We are partnering with a local food pantry – NOSH to have community bring in supplies to restock their pantry. Participants can drop off supplies at the Main or Children’s libraries starting October 2.
No registration required
Tech Talk
October 7th-26th
Teens and Adults/Seniors
Teens from the Shelter Rock Public Library will be assisting adults with tech help on their devices such as iPads, Laptops, Smartphones and more.
Registration is required. Participation is not restricted to district residents only.
Pet Supplies Donation
October 4th-17th
All ages
The community is encouraged to donate new food, bedding and other ‘wish list’ items to be collected at the Shelter Rock Public Library for the Last Hope, Inc. Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation. Young adults will be in charge of sorting the donations and preparing them for delivery to the animal rescue.
Registration is not required and this program is open to anyone wishing to participate.
Winter Outerwear Drive
October 21st from 9:00am-4:00pm
Adults and young adults
The community is encouraged to donate winter items such as hats; gloves; scarves and new or gently used coats of all sizes. Our young adult volunteers will be sorting and packaging these items to be donated to the The INN.
Registration is not required. Open to district residents only.
The Great Give Back: Baby Diaper Drive
October 1st-21st
Help the Library give back to the community and donate some baby diapers today. All donations will go to the Mary Brennan Inn to help the diaper needs of families in our community. Please drop off any quantity, size or brand of unused diapers to the Adult Service’s Desk. Thank you for your donation and get behind our baby Diaper Drive!
No registration required
October 21st from 12:00-4:00pm
Kids of all ages and their families
Play games with your family and relive some of the great games of the past! We’ll have everything from jacks to hopscotch and chalk to playing cards. Fun for the whole family, batteries not included (because you won’t need any). Games giveaway while supplies last.
No registration required
October 16th-27th from 9:00am-6:00pm
Stop by Teen Space to drop off personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and feminine care products. Collected items will be brought to The Mary Brennan INN in Hempstead, for distribution.
No registration required
October 21st from 1:00-4:00pm
Design a bookmark Uniondale Library will include in their homebound delivery services and outreach events.
No registration required
Town of Hempstead Mobile Adoption
October 21st
All ages
Stop by the West Hempstead Public Library to see some animals up for adoption through the Town of Hempstead Mobile Adoption Unit.
No registration required
Westbury Memorial Public Library
LI Cares–Baxter’s Pet Pantry
October 2nd-31st from 10:00am-5:30pm
All ages
The Williston Park Library is collecting pet food and supplies for Baxter’s Pet Pantry which is part of LI Cares.
No registration required
Book Giveaway and Shoe Donation Drive
October 15 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm
For all ages
The Great Give Back returns! Once again, the Library will be giving away books for all ages and interests, along with DVDs, CDs, and a few surprises. Grab a BPL bag (or bring your own) and fill it for free.
The Friends of the Library will also be here, collecting gently worn and new shoes. Your donated footwear will help support the Friends of the Library, and be given a second life helping people in developing nations start microenterprises that will create a sustainable income for their families.
All are welcome–no registration is required. Shoe donations are not required to participate in the book giveaway, but are greatly appreciated.
Harvest Festival and Food Drive for L.I. Cares
October 22 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Come celebrate fall at our Harvest Festival! We will have live music by Willie Steel and Jim Uhl, balloon twisting, pumpkin painting, fall craft stations, and a goat visit! Please bring canned food to donate to L.I. Cares/Harry Chapin Food Bank. Registration is required. All are welcome!
Please bring canned food items to donate to L.I. Cares/Harry Chapin Food Bank
Mill Pond Park Clean Up
October 15
10:00 am-12:00 pm
at Mill Pond Park, Merrick Road, Wantagh, NY 11793
For all ages
The Bellmore Memorial Library invites the Bellmore community to Mill Pond Park where we will walk the trail around the park and pick-up any litter found along the way. Participants of all ages can enjoy a refreshing day outside while helping to beautify the local park with the library.
Registration is recommended. Participants can RSVP on our website at
Get Connected
October 15
12:00-4:00 pm
For Senior Citizens and Students in Grades 6 – 12
Teen Students Volunteer to Assist Senior Citizens with Tech & Computer Questions!
Do you have computer, Smartphone or iPad questions? Would you like to learn how to Skype or FaceTime with your family, or download free eBooks and Audiobooks to your eReader? Drop by the library for a one-on-one session with a Bethpage student. Ask them any tech questions you may have and they will answer to the best of their ability. It’s a win-win for all, as students receive community service credits for school and seniors receive answers to help them Get Connected!
Registration is required for both age groups, available online at: or in-person. Students will be awarded 21st Century School Credit and Community Service for every hour they volunteer.
Little Shelter Animal Drive
October 15 – November 15
Join The Bryant Library as we collect supplies to help rescued animals! Between October 15th and November 15th, bring in any of the following: Isopropyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Bleach, Windex, Liquid Laundry Detergent, Paper Towels, Bath Towels, Dog Waste Bags, Pedigree wet dog food, 9 Lives wet cat food, Friskies wet cat food, Temptations cat treats, pet-friendly ice melt, or cat trees. Items will be gifted to The Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center.
Cards for the National Guard
October 15 – November 15
Help us make cards for our New York National Guard Soldiers who are currently deployed in Africa and Kuwait.
The Great Give Back- Birthday Wishes Collection
October 1-28
Birthday Wishes is an organization that makes a difference in the lives of homeless children and their families by bringing them the joy of a birthday party.
We are collecting the following items in order to make “birthdays in a box” for children living in shelters. All items must be unopened.
• juice boxes
• small pack of plates and napkins (themed, please no solids)
• packs of party hats
• packs of balloons
• decorations such as banners, streamers etc.
• packs of blowers
Other items they are in need of include:
• new fuzzy blankets
• new pajamas size 18 months – 14/16
• unopened crayon packs- 24 count
Teens can earn 2 hours of community service for every bag of supplies they bring in. Please bring your supplies to the Young Adult Room to receive your service hours.
No registration required.
Collection for Long Island Coalition for the Homeless
September 12 – October 7
The Long Island Coalition for the Homeless (LICH) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
dedicated to reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness on Long Island
LICH helps hundreds of households access permanent housing each year through our
case management, street outreach, and resource navigation services. Additionally, LICH runs the Boutique, a free-distribution center of essential items. The Boutique is utilized by our clients and multiple non-profits on Long Island, distributing thousands of
essential items to homeless and at-risk individuals and families every year.
Please donate ONLY these listed items:
-Shampoo and conditioner
-Body wash/soap/hand soap
-Toothpaste & toothbrush
-Baby wipes
-Laundry detergent
Elmont Memorial Public Library
Cat Toys for our Feline Friends
October 15 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm
For children 3 1/2 years – Grade 6
Come to the Children’s Dept. to make a colorful cat toy which will be donated to local animal shelters (while supplies last). We are also collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Harry Chapin Long Island Cares Food Bank. There is no registration required.
Halloween Costume Drive
September 24-October 15
We will be collecting clean, gently used costumes for all ages/sizes from September 24-October 12 in the Children’s Library. On October 15, patrons are invited to visit the Children’s Library and “shop” for a new-to-you costume. Teens can earn community service by sorting costumes and helping out on the day of the event. Teens can contact the Children’s Library at 516-249-9090 ext. 224 for more details.
No registration required
Toys for Shelter Cats
October 16 from 2:00-3:00 pm
For Families, Adults, Children, Tweens, Teens
Create wonderful toys for cats in shelters, keeping them company until they find their forever home.
Sign up online at
Adopt a Cat Adoption Event
October 22 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm
All ages – Everyone is welcome
Come and meet your new best friend, and give a shelter cat its forever home. Sponsored by: Give Me Shelter Project, Inc.
No registration required.
Franklin Square Public Library
The Great Give Back drive for Rescuing Families inc.
October 15
10:00 am-5:00 pm
Adults are asked to contribute items needed to make baskets for a local charity’s Bingo event. The name of the Charity is Rescuing Families. Adults are supplying items to put in the baskets and our teens will be assembling the baskets and wrapping them up. Adults who are interested, can also stay to help.
Dog Toys to Donate
October 15
10:00 am-4:00 pm
for grades K to 4
Give back to the community by making a dog toy to be donated to a local animal shelter. All materials will be provided.
No registration required
Get Kids Ready for Winter
October 1-31
New winter clothing donations for birth to age 12.
The Great Give Back on October 15 is a Day of Service for Long Island Libraries. This year we are helping “Get Kids Ready for Winter” to benefit local families.
During the month of October, the Library will accept donations of new pajamas, socks, hats, scarves, or gloves for children from birth to age 12. Please bring new items to the Children’s Room by October 31.
The Great Give Back: Pumpkin Decorating
October 15 from 11:00 am-12:00 pm
For grades 6-12
Celebrate this day of community service by bringing in a small pumpkin to decorate with the supplies provided by the Gold Coast Public Library. Your pumpkin will be donated to The Regency Assisted Living Facility in Glen Cove, and you will receive an hour of community service for your donation! Registration is required on the Gold Coast Public Library website.
October 10-22 – Grab & Go
Make a card for the organization Cards for Hospitalized Kids! Decorate at the branch or bring cards back by October 22. 1 hour of community service awarded for each completed card.
Dog Toys
October 14 from 4:30-5:30 pm at the Parkville Branch
Stop by the branch to receive supplies to create dog and cat toys for a local shelter! 1 hour of community service credit will be awarded. Go to to register.
Animal Shelter Blankets
October 15 at 11:00 am at the Main Library
Let’s make a cute blanket to donate to a local animal shelter. Registration begins 2 weeks prior to the event online, in person, or via phone.
Beautify Your Library
October 17 at 7:00 pm at the Main Library
Help beautify the library by making a Sailor’s Valentine, a piece of artwork made out of seashells in mosaic designs . 1 hour of community service credit will be awarded! Register online, in-person, or via phone.
The Great Give Back: Reason2Smile Bracelets
October 15 from 11:00 am-2:00 pm
For teens
Make paper bead bracelets for reason2smile and help provide educational opportunities for children at the Jambo Jipya Children’s Home. Please reach out to Mr. Joe, 516-481-6990×5 to register. Space is limited.
Henry Waldinger Memorial Library
INN the Bag
October 15 from 1:30-3:30 pm
For Kids & Teens ages 5 and up
Kids and teens will assemble pre-collected food and drink items into snack bags to be donated and distributed to guests of the Mary Brennan INN soup kitchen in Hempstead, NY.
Registration is required. Please visit our library calendar at to register.
Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library
Donate Unused Cat & Dog Supplies
October 1-31
DONATE UNUSED CAT & DOG SUPPLIES in HWPL’s Children’s Room to be given to local animal shelters. Teen volunteers will decorate bandanas for shelter pets to wear at adoption
events. Supplies will be collected through the month of October.
Healthy Food Drive
September 19 – October 31
Please consider donating non-perishable goods, household items, baby essentials, pet supplies or toiletries for our Healthy Food Drive to support Island Harvest. Check our website for a list of suggestions.
Go High-Tech
October 15 from 2:00-4:00 pm
For teens
Give back to your community by teaching adults/seniors how to use and feel comfortable with all forms of technology. Community service credit will be awarded!
Please click here to register on our website.
Give Back to Your Local Ronald McDonald House!
October 15-31
Hillside Library will be collecting donations for the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island. Items most needed include paper towels, disinfecting wipes, disposable diapers, baby wipes, disposable plates and utensils, non-perishable snacks, and bottled water.
Great Giveback Beach Cleanup
October 1
10:00-11:30 am
at Masone Beach in Island Park
For all ages
Join us at Masone Beach for a clean-up to pick up any debris which may have accumulated since the summer.
Meet at the beach. No registration required.
Packing Out Boxes for Active Military
October 15 from 1:00-3:00 pm
For all ages
As part of The Great Give Back, the Library is holding a “Packing Out Box” day to send to our active military overseas. The Library will collect donations starting Saturday, October 1 through 1pm on Saturday October 15. Between 1-3pm on October 15, soldiers and sailors will join library volunteers to pack these special boxes that are scheduled to be delivered between Halloween and Thanksgiving to our active military overseas. All are welcome to join; teens can receive up to two hours of community service. Registration is free but required for community service hours.
The Great Give Back
October 15 from 2:00-4:00 pm
For all ages
Bring a non-perishable food item to give to someone in need through Jericho Cares and paint a Kindness Rock which will be put into our garden or given to a charitable organization.
You Can Make a Difference by Giving Back!
Open to All…No Registration Required
Lakeview Library Community Supports Bethany House
October 1-13
Collecting NEW cleaning supplies, paper goods, and compact umbrellas to support women, and women with children, experiencing homelessness. Contact us for additional information 516-536-3071
Volunteers for Wildlife Hospital and Education Center Supply Donations
October 1-15
For all ages
Levittown Public Library will participate in the Great Give Back on Saturday, October 15, 2022. The mission of the Great Give Back is to provide opportunities for the patrons of the Public Libraries of New York State to participate in meaningful service-oriented experiences. Our library is participating in bringing the community together to respond to the needs of the Volunteers for Wildlife Hospital and Education Center located in the Bailey Arboretum. Volunteers for Wildlife, Inc. is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 not-for-profit charitable organization. This Center continues to be dedicated to the preservation of Long Island’s wildlife & natural habitats through education & wildlife rehabilitation since 1982. Volunteers for Wildlife admit over 2,000 injured & orphaned wild animals to their hospital every year. They offer interactive educational programs to children & adults to foster knowledge and appreciation for Long Island’s wildlife. For more information, visit:
In an effort to support the Wildlife Center, we will be collecting donations in the lobby from October 1 through October 15. Items requested are:
Animal Supplies:
Heating pads (no auto shut-off)
Fleece blankets & Towels
Baby food (single flavors of fruit, vegetable, & meat- no fruit/vegetable blends that include meat)
Unsalted nuts (no peanuts or cashews)
Seeds: sunflower hearts, cracked corn, white millet, safflower (no seed mixes)
Pop Up Dog Playpen
Powder-Free Nitrile Exam Gloves, Large, Box/100
Cleaning supplies:
13-gallon garbage bags
Heavy-duty 32-gallon garbage bags
All-purpose cleaners
Baking soda
Scrub brushes
Nitrile Disposable Industrial Gloves 3 Mil Large
Hand and dish soap
HE liquid laundry detergent
Office Supplies:
Black and red pens
Dry erase markers
Tape (any kind)
Sharpie markers
Printer paper
AA/AAA batteries
Forever stamps
On October 15, 2022 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. people can meet some of the Volunteers for Wildlife and Education Center’s wildlife ambassadors during The Levittown Public Library Fall Family Fun Day. Ambassadors have permanent homes at the center due to disabilities that prevent their release into the wild. They inspire the public to love and protect our native species. Decorate a bird house to hang in your own backyard or donate it to the Volunteers for Wildlife Center as part of the Great Give Back (prior registration required to reserve a bird house). We will also be accepting supply donations for the Wildlife Center during this event.
The Great Give Back Beach Clean Up
October 2 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm
at Center Island Beach, 466 Bayville Ave
For Teens, Adults, and Families
We are removing litter from the south side to the bay side from Center Island Beach, we will be meeting in the parking lot.
No registration required, open to all residents, please bring reusable work/garden gloves, reusable water bottles, sunscreen, and bug spray.
We will provide trash bags, a first aid kit, hand sanitizer, and wipes.
Halloween Costume Giveaway & Book Giveaway
October 15-31
The Book Giveaway is one day only! 10-15-2022. Books free for all ages to grow your home library! The Halloween Costume Giveaway will be 10-15-2022 through 10-31-2022. Take a Costume or bring a Costume or BOTH! Supplies limited to what is available. All ages.
Donation to Kitty Cove
October 1-31
The Malverne Public Library is collecting items for the Long Beach Humane Society Kitty Cove, an animal rescue service. Donations of Purina Kitten Chow, Fancy Feast, Friskies wet food, clumping cat litter, baby food (chicken or turkey), paper towels, laundry detergent and Dawn dish soap are appreciated and can be placed in the box by our front lobby from October 1-31.
Kids and teens can also earn community service hours by stopping by the library from Oct. 11 – 15 to make cat toys to donate to Kitty Cove.
Island Healthy Food Drive
October 8-16
Island Harvest Healthy Food Drive! Donation boxes will be in the library lobby during open hours Saturday, Oct. 8-Satuday Oct. 15.
Birthday in a Bag
October 2-16
We’ve partnered with the Long Island Coalition of the Homeless to collect items for a ‘Birthday Party in a Bag’. We’ll have boxes in both locations to collect birthday napkins and plates, party hats, noise makers/party favors, wrapping paper/tissue paper , small gifts and supermarket gift cards.
Pajama program
October 1-31
This year the Merrick Library is partnering with Pajama Program. We will be collecting new, unused completer pajama sets (tops and bottoms) and new, unused books from our generous community.
Sizes newborn through adult XXXL are welcome.
The donations will be delivered to those in need in our own community.
Stop by and check out the display in our lobby. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Color-A-Smile, Porcellus Place Guinea Pig Rescue, and Personal Care and Diapers Drive for Mary Brennan INN
October 15
The Mineola Memorial Library will be partnering with three wonderful organizations Mary Brennan INN, Color-A-Smile, and Porcellus Place Guinea Pig Rescue.
Support Our Troops
October 15 from 11:00 am-2:00 pm
For all ages
There will be several crafts available that will support and acknowledge our troops. Participants will decorate care package boxes, make cards, and paint mini flags. In addition we will run a food drive in collaboration with a local American Legion that will benefit local veterans and their families.
Great Give Back to the Furture: Diaper Drive
October 15
2:00-4:00 pm for all ages
For the Great Give Back 2022 we will be giving back to future generations by holding a diaper drive for those in need. At 2:00 pm join us as we head back to the future with the Vic Vincent Group. Participants will have a photo opportunity with a real DeLorean and can enjoy retro video and board games in the Children’s Room. Please consider donating a pack of diapers or baby wipes. A donation bin will be in the library October 1 through October 15.
All are welcome! Please bring a lawn chair for comfort.
This is an in-person program. Residents and non-residents are welcome to drop by anytime during the event.
Fall Leaves Seasonal Art Display
October 15 from 9:30 am-4:00 pm
For all ages
Decorate and write positive messages on paper leaves that will be used to decorate a display area in our local Senior Center.
This will be a drop-in program between the hours of 9:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Oyster Bay-East Norwich Library
Socks for Veterans
October 9-15
The Oyster Bay community will be collecting socks for Veterans. Donation box will be located in the Oyster Bay – East Norwich Public Library
No-Sew Fleece Pillows
October 6 from 6:00-8:00 pm
Ages 10-18
Tweens and Teens will put together fleece pillows that do not require sewing to be donated to a local shelter for families. All supplies will be provided by the Library. Registration required. Not restricted to district residents.
Gifts of Appreciation
October 13 from 4:00-7:00 pm
For 5-16 years
Children will design and create bracelets or keychains for a friend, family member or neighbor to show how much they care about them. Registration required. District residents only.
Eyeglass Recycling
October 6-31
Patrons will donate their eyeglasses that are no longer needed to be recycled and repurposed by the Far Rockaway Lions club.
Sock Drive
October 23-28
The community will donate new socks for all ages to be donated to a local shelter.
Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library
The Great Give Back
October 3-14
The Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library is participating in the Great Give Back again this year! The Library will be holding two collections: one for supplies for Last Hope Animal Shelter in Wantagh, NY, and the other for collections of used batteries and electronics to recycle through “The Big Green Box.” Please visit our website ( for lists of items accepted for each collection.
Port Washington Public Library
The Great Give Back Donation Drive
October 1-15
The Great Give Back is a day of service at public libraries. This year it will be taking place on October 15th. In honor of The Great Give Back, PWPL will be collecting non-perishables for Our Lady of Fatima Roman Catholic Church food pantry. Needed items include oil, cereal, pasta sauce, peanut butter, jelly, Mac & Cheese, rice, pasta, oatmeal, canned tomatoes, canned and dry beans, canned tuna, salmon, and chicken, canned corn, string beans, peas, beets, banned soup, canned fruits, mayonnaise and ketchup. In addition, we will also be collecting items for the Paper Pantry at the Lutheran Church of our Savior. Desired items include laundry detergent, toilet tissue, paper towels, kitchen dish soap, hand soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, baby diapers, and baby wipes. The library will be accepting donations in the lobby, October 1-15th.
Rockville Centre Public Library
Great Give Back – Animal Rescue Collection
September 1-October 15
Help shelter animals in need! The Rockville Centre Public Library
is collecting donations for local animal rescues Bobbi & the Strays and Long
Island Rabbit Rescue. You’re invited to donate goods such as canned
cat food (no fish please; Friskies preferred), timothy hay, dog and cat toys, Nylabones for all size dogs, clumping cat litter, paper towels, Lysol, distilled vinegar, sponges, laundry detergent, heavy duty garbage bags, office supplies and Chewy gift cards.
There is no registration required, anyone can drop off items during the library’s business hours.
It Takes a Village
October 1-16
We will be gathering food and other necessities for a community food bank.
The Great Giveback
October 15 from 10:00 am-5:00 pm
Food Drive with St. Williams Church 10/15/22
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
October 14
Registration opens in October
Inn the Bag
October 15
11:00 am-12:00 pm
For grades K-5
Decorate and fill snack bags for the Mary Brennan INN
Online Registration begins Saturday, October 1 for SRPL cardholders and registration will open to all on Saturday, October 8
Sweet Socks: A Sock Collection and Craft Program
October 20
4:15-5:15 pm
For teens in Grades 6-12
Giving back is always rewarding. Be a part of the Great Give Back and donate new socks to the library for those living in shelters. We will collect new socks in a collection box starting September 30, or teens can also bring a pair of socks to the program on October 20 at 4:15 pm. Teens will decorate a “Cupcake Container” for the socks as well as a mini cupcake painting. The craft and the donation of socks will be given to residents of a local shelter. Teens will earn up to 1 1/2 hours of Community Service for their sock creation, and for their donation of a pair of new socks. Socks are a much needed and requested item for those in shelters and we appreciate your help.
Teens in Grades 6-12 can register at several weeks before the program which is restricted to Shelter Rock Library patrons. Any library patron can donate new socks in a collection box at the front of the library from 9/30-10/20 at 4 pm.
Food for Finds with Island Harvest
October 15-22
One food item donation will replace one book fine on Uniondale Library items.
All food items collected will be donated to our local Island Harvest branch.
Give Back and Bee Kind to Pollinators
October 15
12:00-4:00 pm for All Ages
Learn why pollinators are important and have them visit your garden with our Pollinator Garden kits. No registration required. While supplies last.
Teen Sock Drive
October 11-15
Homelessness exists and socks are an item greatly needed by that population. You can help by bringing even just one pair of new socks to the library. Those collected will be brought to The Mary Brennan INN in Hempstead, for distribution.
Bideawee – Pet Adoption Meet & Greet
October 15
11:00 am-2:00 pm
Come to Wantagh Public Library to meet Volunteers from Bideawee and some local dogs and cats up for adoption! The Meet & Greet will take place outdoors on the back library lawn. All are welcome to attend. No registration required.
Donations to Mary Brennan Inn
October 15-16
Donate any canned or boxed good to the Mary Brennan Inn
Westbury Memorial Public Library
Fall Festival
October 15 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm
For all ages
Take a little red wagon ride through our Haunted Forest to our outdoor Pumpkin Patch, where you can choose a pumpkin to decorate! While you’re here, take a fall photo with your family! Photo ops will be available throughout the day. In order to participate in the Pumpkin Patch, each child must donate 1 non-perishable item to the Great Give Back. First come, first served. For children up to 6th grade in the Westbury and Carle Place school district. The Library will join all its department to create a fun-filled day. NY Life will provide The Westbury Fire Dept. will bring their fire truck and children will enjoy it. At 11am, in the meeting room, there will be an instructional session on fire prevention, safety and smoke alarms. Registration is for Fire Prevention Presentation and Fire Truck only.
Career Expo
October 17 from 12:00-5:00 pm
For teens & adults
As part of the Great Give Back, Westbury Library will sponsor a Career Expo with many local and state partners for the community. We hope you will join our community to discover and learn about exciting careers and opportunities as well as have an opportunity to speak with individuals regarding your resumes. Please be prepared by bringing in a copy of your resume, prepare for an on-the-spot interview, and start networking for your next career. All are welcome at this event.
Registration Required – All Are Welcome at this event.
Please Dress in Business Attire as Interviews will be done on-site.
Baxter’s Pet Pantry (part of LI Cares)
October 15-31
Donations of pet food and supplies are greatly appreciated.
The Great Give Back 2021: Toiletry Drive and Book Giveaway
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-3:00 pm
Toiletry Drive
In an effort to assist those struggling throughout Baldwin and our neighboring communities, the Library is organizing a toiletry drive, which will kick off during The Great Give Back.
The Library will be collecting unused, unopened toiletries, including soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, hand sanitizer, lotion, and more. All item sizes are welcomed.
Book Giveaway
After dropping off your toiletry donations, come grab a BPL bag (or bring your own) and fill it for free at this outdoor event.
Toiletry donations are not required to participate in the book giveaway, but are much appreciated.
Dobby Sock Drive
October 1-31
A pair of socks is the number one requested item at homeless shelters. Participate in Dobby’s Sock Drive to support the Long Island Coaltion for the Homeless! Donations of new mens, womens, and children’s socks will be collected at the Library and donated to the Long Island Coaltion for the Homeless. There are no restrictions, anyone can particpate in the sock drive.
The Great Give Back Food Drive and Holiday Card Writing
October 1-31
During the month of October the library will be hosting a food drive as part of The Great Give Back. The food will be donated to the Bellmore-Merrick C.H.S.D Community Cupboard.
The Cupboard is a student-run organization which helps to feed 50 families every 2 weeks. Join us on Saturday, October 16, 2021 to write Holiday Cards which will be given to local families along with the food donations. Please visit our website at and click on The Great Give Back for more information.
The Bellmore Memorial Library is providing the community with two opportunities to “Give Back” which include a month long Food Drive and a Holiday Card Writing program. Teens in grades 6-12 will be awarded with community service hours by attending the Holiday Card Writing program on Saturday, October 16th. Please visit our website at and click on The Great Give Back for more information.
Donation Drive for St. Mother Teresa Food Pantry & Outreach
October 1-31
The Bethpage Public Library is asking for your help to support our community. The Food Pantry is in great need of the following items: Laundry soap, Dish soap, Toilet tissue, Sugar, Ketchup, Mustard, Coffee (not K-cups), Pancake mix, Maple syrup, Grape jelly, Egg noodles, Jarred pasta sauce, Juice boxes for kids, Canned chili. They have kindly brought to our attention that there is an overabundance of soups and lack of space to store it. We thank you for you contributions! No registration is necessary. We welcome contributions from both in and out-of-district. Please drop donations in the box provided in the library’s lobby during the month of October. Thank you!
Messages of Gratitude (for Operation Gratitude)
October 16 – November 11
For families
Participants will write letters, create cards, or draw pictures for deployed troops, veterans, first responders, recruit graduates, wounded heroes and their caregivers, and military families.
Registration is not required. All are welcome!
Help Families INN Need (Food Drive)
October 16 – November 15
During the months of October and November, the Bryant Library will be collecting nonperishable foods to benefit the Interfaith Nutrition Network (“The INN”) in Hempstead, NY. The collected foods will be given to the INN’s residents.
Birthday Wishes of Long Island Donation Drive
October 10-31
Birthday Wishes is an organization that makes a difference in the lives of homeless children and their families by bringing them the joy of a birthday party.
We are collecting the following items in order to make “birthdays in a box” for children living in shelters. All items must be unopened.
• juice boxes
• small pack of plates and napkins (themed, please no solids)
• packs of party hats
• packs of balloons
• decorations such as banners, streamers etc.
• packs of blowers
Other items they are in need of include:
• new fuzzy blankets
• new pajamas size 18 months – 14/16
• unopened crayon packs- 24 count
Please place all items in the donation box located in the lobby of the library.
Color a Smile
October 10-31
Color A Smile is a nonprofit organization that distributes cheerful drawings to senior citizens, our troops overseas, and anyone in need of a smile. Stop by the children’s room to pick up your coloring sheet. Take it home to color or color it with our supplies here at the library. We will mail the completed drawings to put a smile on someone’s face.
Great Give Back ER
Saturday, October 16
10:00 am-5:00 pm
For all ages
The East Rockway library is hosting a non-perishable food, hygiene products, and new sock drive for the INN, a not-for-profit, volunteer-based
organization, that provides a broad variety of essential services to
assist those challenged by hunger, homelessness and profound
poverty. Stop by and drop off your donations!
Create a feel good book mark for our senior friends at the Sandspoint Center in Port Washington
October 4-16
For all ages
This year we will making feel good bookmarks and adding them to treat bags for our Friends at the Sandspoint Center in Port Washington.
Birthday Wishes of Long Island – Donation Drive
October 4-25
The Elmont Library is partnering with Birthday Wishes of Long Island. This organization supplies everything needed to make a birthday celebration special for a child who is living in a homeless shelter. To help with needed supplies Elmont Library will be hosting a juice box drive and toy drive. Please refer to the Birthday Wishes website regarding the specific needs if donating toys.
Birthday Wishes of Long Island – Box Wrapping
Saturday, October 23
10:00 am-2:00 pm
For Kindergarten – Grade 6
Elmont Library is partnering with the organization Birthday Wishes of Long Island. With the help of teen volunteers, children in Kindergarten through Grade 6 will wrap boxes. These special boxes are used to bring birthday supplies to children living in homeless shelters. The children receive everything they need to make their birthday celebration memorable and fun.
Registration is required and begins for residents on October 9. Non-residents can register starting 1 week later.
Birthday Wishes of Long Island – Teen Volunteers
Saturday, October 23
11:00 am-12:00 pm
For Teens (grades 7 – 12)
Teens will participate by helping children wrap birthday boxes. These special boxes are used to bring birthday supplies to children who live in homeless shelters. They’re filled with everything that is needed including a gift to make the birthday celebration fun and memorable.
Registration for residents only is ongoing for teens in grade 7 – 12 until 10:00 AM October 23, 2021.
Birthday Wishes Toy Drive
October 16-31
We’re collecting new, unwrapped toys for homeless children living in shelters. Toddler toys and teen gifts are especially needed. All donations will be given to the Birthday Wishes organization (
Please keep in mind that gifts should be appropriate for children who may not have access to a computer, yard, bath tub, oven, or window/sills of their own. If a toy requires batteries, please include them with your donation.
No stuffed animals, electronics of gift cards can be accepted.
“Get Kids Ready For Winter”
October 1-31
The Great Give Back – It’s October, a month of giving. Join us for Floral Park Library’s “Get Kids Ready for Winter” donation drive to benefit Anna House.
Please donate new pajamas, socks, hats, scarves, or gloves for newborns to children 12 years old. Donation bin is located in the Library’s lobby.
Franklin Square Public Library
The Great Give Back
Saturday, October 16
Join us for our 3rd annual Great Giveback. This event allows you the opportunity to participate in meaningful, service oriented experiences.
Children-Owl-tober event. Kids can hear silly owl stories followed by an adorable owl craft. You will have the opportunity to purchase a stuffed animal, with all proceeds going to the adoption of 1 of the Wildlife center’s ambassadors. (mask required)
Teens-Take and make – They can partake in making cards for operation gratitude. The cards will be distributed to the Military and 1st responders, so they can write home to loved ones.
Adults-Can bring donations for Long Island Cares-Harry Chapin Food Bank. This will run the entire month of October.
No registration needed.
Community Art Show
October 11-16
For all ages
Patrons take home a blank lawn sign and decorate it with a positive message to the community. They return completed sign by Oct. 9 and we will post signs on front lawn the week.
No registration is required.
The Great Give Back: Cards for Hospitalized Kids
October 4-16
For all ages
Volunteer and make handmade cards for Cards for Hospitalized Kids as part of The Great Give Back at the Garden City Public Library. Patrons can either make cards at home the week leading up to the Great Give Back or participate at the Library on Saturday, October 16.
Cards for Hospitalized Kids is an internationally recognized charitable organization that spreads hope, joy and magic to hospitalized kids across America through uplifting, handmade cards. Individuals and groups across the United States, and world, donate time and creativity to make handmade cards and send them to Cards for Hospitalized Kids for distribution in hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses across the nation.
Cards made at home can be submitted beginning Monday, October 4 until Saturday,
October 16. Instructions and requirements for the cards will be available at the Library beginning October 4 until October 16. Tweens and Teens in Grades 6-12 who submit 10 handmade cards will receive community service credit; they must submit their 10 cards with a volunteer form, which will be available at the Library beginning October 4 until October 16.
On Saturday, October 16, patrons can stop by the Library and make cards while supplies last. There will also be a card-making session for Tweens and Teens in Grades 6-12 to participate in for community service on Saturday, October 16 at 3PM.
There is no registration required to make cards at home and submit them at the Garden City Public Library between October 4-October 16.
There is no registration to stop by the Garden City Public Library and make cards throughout the day on October 16, while supplies last.
To participate in the card-making session at the Garden City Public Library on Saturday, October 16 at 3PM for tweens and teens in Grades 6-12, participants must register.
Registration will begin on Tuesday, October 5 at 10AM online via Eventkeeper ( Space is limited. Registrants will need a barcode from a library card from a Nassau County library in order to register.
For more information, please contact the Garden City Public Library at 516-742-8405 x5230.
Super Socktober
October 1-16
Human service organizations have stated that socks are a highly requested item – so we’re going to ‘sock’ it to them. The Glen Cove Library will be collecting new-socks and donating them to the Society of St. Vincent De Paul Glen Cove.
The Great Give Back
Saturday, October 16
1:00-4:00 pm
The mission of The Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for the patrons of New York State libraries to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences. Drop off your donations, participate in making a volunteer service craft and pick up your community service certificate. There will also be opportunities to sign up for Tech Buddies, Community Service Club and the Teen Advisory Board, as well as
win raffle prizes!
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
Thursday, October 14
6:30-7:30 pm
For grades 6-12
Use our Cricut to design cards that will be donated to hospitalized children.
Registration is required. Space is limited to maximize social distancing.
Day of Service: No-Sew Blankets For Youth Homeless Shelter
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-4:00 pm
For ages 13-18
Join us as we hope to make the cold days a bit warmer for Homeless Youth Shelters. Space is limited. Please call the Children’s Room 516-481-6990×5
Henry Waldinger Memorial Library
Get Well Cards for Kids
Saturday, October 16
10:00 am-4:00 pm
Drop by the library to make a get well card or two for a child in the hospital. The cards will be given to the Little Saint Nick Foundation and one will be included in each gift bag they donate to children in hospitals. No registration required. Stop by at any time during library hours to make a card or make your cards at home and drop them off at the library!
Hewlett-Woodmere Public Library
Great Give Back – Troupons
September 15 – November 11
For all ages
Donate manufacturer’s coupons, in HWPL’s Children’s Room, to be sent to active duty military and their families around the country. Teen volunteers will help cut and sort the coupons.
Please fill out our volunteer form, on if you would like to register to volunteer.
Great Give Back – Long Island Cares Food Drive
October 1-31
During the month of October, the HWPL is joining forces with Long Island Cares to host a food drive at the library. We encourage you to give back to our community by donating throughout the month. The most requested items are canned meat; canned vegetables; cereal; cooking oil; low-fat, boxed, non-refrigerated milk; pasta; peanut butter; tomato
sauce; and white rice. Household paper products, pet supplies, and baking mixes are also good selections. (Please only donate non- perishable items that are in boxes, cans, or plastic bottles.) Glass jars will not be accepted. Look for the donation box in the library lobby.
Prom Night Donations
Saturday, October 16
9:00 am-5:00 pm
Bring lightly used or new prom night attire and accessories to the Hicksville Library. The items will later be donated to teens during a Prom Night program at the Library.
Bookmarks for Seniors
Saturday, October 16
9:00 am-5:00 pm
For all ages
Bookmarks will be available at the Library. Participants can join us in-person, or take the bookmarks as a grab-and-go craft. Completed bookmarks will be donated to senior citizens and homebound patrons in the community. No registration required.
Ronald McDonald House
September 27 – October 30
During the month of October, the library will be collecting donations for the local Ronald McDonald house. The following items are urgently needed: paper towels, Lysol, disinfecting wipes, all purpose cleaning sprays, disposable diapers, bottled water, zip lock bags, non-perishable foods, and gift cards (CVS, Stop & Shop, Target)
Food Drive and Color-A-Smile
Saturday, October 16, 2021
10:00 am-4:00 pm
For all ages
Stop by the Library to “Color A Smile” for folks in need of some hope and cheer, and bring a non-perishable food item to donate to our collection for the Sacred Heart Outreach Pantry.
No registration required.
NYS Assembly “Women of Distinction” Awards Ceremony
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-2:00 pm
For adults/families
Hosted by NYS Assemblyman John K. Mikulin, this ceremony honors local women from the 17th Assembly District who have made outstanding contributions by giving back their time and energy to their communities, making them deserving of special recognition.
Registration Required. Please contact the Office of NYS Assemblyman John K. Mikulin 516-228-4960/ for tickets and more information.
The Great Give Back
October 16-18
In House or Take and Make
Create Hope for Others at the Jericho Library
For All Ages
Jericho residents please join us at the library to decorate stars with messages of hope and love…and take home a JPL bag!
Can’t be here to decorate with us? Pick up a kit between 9 AM & 5 PM on October 16th.
Decorate your star at home and return it to us by 9 PM on Monday, October 18th.
You can make a difference by Giving Back!
‘Stars of Hope’ is a healing arts program designed to give hope where it’s needed all over the world.’
Jericho cardholders only. No registration required.
Lakeview Gives Back
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-4:00 pm
Lakeview Community Clean-Up and Food Drive. Join us to keep Lakeview looking beautiful. Wear your mask and bring gloves for the clean up. Donations of canned goods will be accepted at the library in the month of October. Cans must be unexpired and not dented.
Registration is appreciated so we can organize the clean up effectively. All are welcome.
The Great Give Back
October 1-31
The Reference Department will be collecting toiletries for the Mary Brennan Inn, a not-for-profit organization that provides the largest soup kitchen on Long Island, emergency shelters, long-term housing, and more. Suggested donations: Toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, disposable razors, shaving cream, hair brushes and combs, mouthwash, shampoo and conditioner, soap, lip balm, tissues, new washcloths and hand towels, and new socks. A bin will be located inside the Library’s main entrance.
The Children’s, Media, and Young Adult Departments will be hosting a toy drive to benefit Birthday Wishes, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that provides birthday parties for children ages 1-18 years who are staying in domestic violence safe shelters, hotels, and scattered sites. They are collecting the following items: Crayons, children’s coloring books, adult coloring books, gel pens, headphones, board games for teens (ages 12+), new popular books for children and teens. No wrapped gifts please. A bin will be located inside the Library’s main entrance.
The Circulation Department will be collecting new/unopened products for Last Hope Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. Suggested donations: Dog or cat food, dog or cat treats (no rawhide), toys (no rawhide), leashes, and paper towels. At this time, the shelter does NOT need: blankets, towels, collars, or anything rawhide. A bin will be located inside the Library’s main entrance.
The Great Give Back
Saturday, October 16
9:30 am-4:30 pm
Each year participating libraries pick a cause that helps make the world a little bit better. For this year’s Giveback, Locust Valley Library has chosen to collect unwanted denim that will be transformed into sustainable building insulation materials. Please donate your denim! It can be unwashed, ripped, stained, and/or embellished! Donation box is located just inside the Children’s Entrance. Visit for more information. TEENS: Volunteer to help organize and pack donated denim on Sunday October 24th from 2-4. Please visit the calendar on that day to register!
The Great Giveback: Teen Volunteer Opportunity!
Sunday, October 24
2:00-3:00 pm
Come help sort and pack donated denim which will be turned into sustaintable building insulation. You will earn an hour of service credit! To learn more about this helpful action please visit Grades 6-12.
Registration is required.
Sock Drive
October 4-16
We are pleased to announce that the Long Beach Public Library will be participating in The Great Give Back, which is a community service initiative created by the Suffolk County Public Library Directors Association and the Suffolk Cooperative Library System, in conjunction with the Nassau Library System. The mission of The Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for the patrons of the Public Libraries of New York State to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences.
For this year’s give back, we will be collecting new unused socks to donate to a local homeless shelter. Socks are the most needed article of clothing for the homeless and disaster victims, yet they rarely get donated. People often throw away used socks rather than donate them, so there is a real sock shortage in shelters and charities. Brand new socks are a necessity, and our goal is to collect and provide a warm new pair to as many needy people as possible.
We will be having a sock storycrafter on Saturday, October 16th at 9:00am. Registration required.
Book Giveaway
Saturday, October 16 (Rain date Saturday Oct. 23, 2021)
10:00 am-3:00 pm
For all ages
Come to the Lynbrook Public Library Parking Lot and browse a collection of free books that need a new forever home. Participants will receive an LPL bag (or 2) that they can fill with free books to build their own home library.
The Great Give Back is a community service initiative created by the Suffolk County Public Library Directors Association and the Suffolk Cooperative Library System, in Conjunction with the Nassau Library System.
Please note the library parking lot will be closed for the day. When attending the event or the library that day the municipal parking lot, next to the library, will be open for free parking. Please park in a legal spot. Vehicles parked illegally will be subjected to a ticket and/or towing at the owner’s expense.
No Registration. Just come to the Lynbrook Library on Oct. 16!
Snack Bags for the Mary Brennan Inn
October 1-16
The Malverne Public Library is collecting items to make snack bags to donate to the Mary Brennan INN, an organization that serves hungry and homeless Long Islanders. Donations of individually wrapped snacks, fruit cups, water bottles and juice boxes are appreciated and can be placed in the box in our front lobby from October 1-16.
Teen volunteers will have the opportunity to earn community service hours by decorating and assembling the snack bags on Oct. 16. Please call 516-599-0750 x309 or email to register for this event.
Healthy Food Drive for Island Harvest
October 16-24
We are collecting donations of non-perishable food and toiletries for the Island Harvest Food Bank. Collection boxes will be in the Library lobby Saturday, Oct. 16-Sunday, October 24 for drop-off during library hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 am-9 pm; Friday: 9 am-6 pm; Saturday: 9am-5 pm; Sunday: 12-5 pm
Great Give Back Collection for Long Island Cares
October 4-18
“The Massapequa Public Library will be collecting for Long Island Cares. We’ll have boxes at both locations (Bar Harbour & Central Avenue) and would appreciate donations of any of the following: nut butters, beans (canned or dried), canned stews, cereal, rice, pasta and any other healthy foods.
Teens in grades 6-12 who make donations can earn 2 hours of community service if they email with a list of their donations.
Registration is not required and all may participate.
Birthday Wishes of Long Island
October 1-29
Please bring unwrapped toys, unopened birthday decorations, wrapping paper, cake mixes, icing etc…. to the library throughout the month of October. These items will be distributed to help homeless children on Long Island celebrate their birthdays. Birthday Wishes makes a difference in the lives of homeless children and their families by bringing them the joy of a birthday party. Birthday parties provide the opportunity for reflection, celebration, and hope. They are a common event in the lives of most families, but for children experiencing homelessness, families may be unable to maintain their routines and rituals.
Please check out our website for library hours all are welcome to stop in and donate.
Winter Pajama Drive for Birthday Wishes of Long Island
October 1-23
The Mineola Library will be running a winter pajama drive to benefit Birthday Wishes of Long Island. Birthday Wishes of Long Island makes a difference in the lives of homeless children by bringing them the joy of a birthday party in a box. The library will be collecting winter pajamas for boys and girls in sizes 2T-4T only. Donations must be new with tags.
No registration. Drop off during library hours. A collection box will be in the lobby.
Cards for Veterans and Active Military; Food Drive for Long Island Harvest
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-2:00 pm
For all ages
Patrons will be able to show their support for our military members and veterans by making cards and painting mini flags on 10/16. We will also host a food drive for Long Island Harvest for the entire month of October.
This is an in-person program. Patrons are welcome to drop by the library any time between 11am-2pm. Registration is not required. Donations for Long Island Harvest will be accepted throughout the month.
Pick a Pumpkin – Pack a Pantry
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-12:30 pm
For all ages
Help us give back to the community at our fall food drive! Bring in a non-perishable item(s) and exchange it for a pumpkin from our pumpkin patch! While supplies last. One pumpkin per household please.
Capes for Kids
Saturday, October 16
11:00 am-4:00 pm
For grades 6-12
As part of The Great Give Back through Nassau Library System, join us to participate in this day of service! Choose one session to attend to make a cape for a child in need. Capes will be sent to the Enchanted Makeovers organization and later given to children in shelters. Earn 1 hour of community service.
Registration is required. Please visit our Events Calendar to register.
Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library
Coat Drive
October 4-16
As part of the annual Great Give Back, we are collecting GENTLY USED coats that will be donated to The Youth and Family Counseling Agency of Oyster Bay-East Norwich. All coats will go to families in need. There will be a collection box at the library starting 10/4.
Thank you for your support!
Inspirational Stones Project
Sunday, October 17
2:00-4:00 pm
On PPL’s front lawn/sidewalk
For Kindergarten & up
Children will be painting stones, designing them with pictures and inspirational messages. The goal of this program is to spread positivity around the community. Once created these stones can be distributed throughout neighborhoods for another person to find and enjoy.
This event will be outside, (weather permitting), on PPL’s Front Lawn. In case of rain this event will be will be held in the PPL Bentley Room.
Registration is required. This program is open to all.
The Giving Table
Sunday, October 17
2:00-4:00 pm
PPL’s Front Lawn & Sidewalk
For Kindergarten & up
Both adults and children are welcome to donate and take items from our Giving Table. One can make a donation of food, (such as canned goods, crackers, granola bars, etc.) We are also accepting clothing, shoes, unopened toiletries as well as new crayons, backpacks and notebooks for children.
Registration is not required. This program is open to all.
The Great Give Back 2021
Saturday, October 16
9:00 am-5:00 pm
For Children & Young Adults
Plainedge Public Library is proud to be participating again in The Great Give Back! On Saturday, October 16th Plainedge Public Library will have kits available to make cat toys and/or ‘adopt me’ bandanas for dogs. You can come to the library to pick up the kit. Everything you need to make them will be in the kit, including instructions. Make them at home and then return them to the library. The cat toys and ‘adopt me’ bandanas will be donated to the Babylon Animal Shelter. One hour of community service will be given to each child or teen who participates.
No registration is required. Plainedge residents only, please!
Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library
The Great Give Back
October 1-15
The Plainview-Old Bethpage Public Library is participating in the Great Give Back again this year! In collaboration with the Mid-Island Y JCC’s Rudman Family Pantry and the Last Hope Animal Rescue in Wantagh, we are collecting donations to help support our local communities. Donations will be collected from Friday, October 1 to Friday, October 15, 2021. Please visit our website for donation details for each organization. (
Port Washington Public Library
The Great Give Back-Community Service Project
October 11-16
For teens (grades 7-12)
The mission of The Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for library patrons to participate in meaningful service-oriented experiences. In honor of The Great Give Back, teens are invited to make get well cards for children that are in the hospital and could use a little cheer. All cards will be given to The Little St. Nick Foundation and will be included in the special bags the foundation delivers to children in the hospital. Port Washington Teens will receive 2 hours of community service for 10 cards. Cards should be delivered to TeenSpace by October 16.
Port Washington Teens can register at beginning October 11.
Rockville Centre Public Library
The Great Give Back – Lunch for Bethany House
October 1-31
Help Long Islanders in need by donating new, unopened
“lunch box” items for Bethany House, a local women’s
shelter. We’re collecting juice boxes, fruit cups, snack-size
chips, granola bars etc., in the Children’s Room.
Socks and Gloves Drive
October 5-18
Socks & Gloves Drive for Adults & Children: It’s time to give back to the community. Bring NEW socks or gloves for men, women or children to the library. Your donation will be given to local adults and children.
Nosh Needs Now!
September 30 – October 16
NOSH – part of the North Shore Soup Kitchen- suffered a devastating fire recently and its pantry is in desperate need of replenishment . Please drop off at Sea Cliff Library any of the following :Pasta/ Peanut Butter /Canned Beans/ Canned Tuna / Small Bags of Rice/Boxes of Mac and Cheese. Please drop items off during regular library hours.
Great Give Back Toiletry Drive and Food Collection with Community, Teen and Children Helpers
October 4 – November 6
During October through early November for The Great Give Back the library will be hosting a Toiletry Drive for the Mary Brennan Inn, and also a Food Drive for the Long Island Cares/Harry Chapin Food Bank. Teens will write cards, notes and draw pictures with positive messages in the library for the INN on October 13 at 4:30 pm and also on October 23 at 2 pm. Children will also be doing a drop in craft for the INN on October 23. These notes, the craft, along with the toiletries will be brought to the INN on October 25. For the Long Island Food Bank, Teens will meet in the library on November 3 at 6:30 pm and November 6 at 2 pm to write and draw Thanksgiving Cards for those in need at the Food Bank. Thanksgiving cards, along with the food donations will be picked up by Long Island Cares/ Harry Chapin Food Bank in early November. Please visit our website at for more information. Registration for the Teen Programs is required on our website and is restricted to Shelter Rock Library Patrons.
The Great Give Back: Inspirational Tote Donation
Saturday, October 16
For grades 6-12
The Great Give Back: inspirational tote donation. Saturday, October 16, 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Teens will create a tie dye tote bag using sharpies that will be filled with non-perishable food items. Completed bags will be donated to food banks throughout Long Island. Please bring in one or two non-perishable items from home to donate. Together we can help a hungry family with food and positive thoughts. Registration for SSD residents begins Monday, September 20. Presented by Green Earth Crafts.
Registration is required at Registration for Syosset School District residents begins Monday, September 20; all others one week later.
Food for Fines
October 18-23
Help the Uniondale Library support Island Harvest in The Great Giveback, a public library initiative that encourages patrons to participate in meaningful, service orientated experiences.
We are offering a, “Food for Fines” program, Monday, October 18th- Saturday, October 23th. One food item donations will replace one book fine on Uniondale Library items.
The Great Garden Giveback
Saturday, October 16
10:00 am-4:00 pm
Take home kit, while supplies last
For all ages
Start your own vegetable garden with heirloom seeds and a garden kit.
While you are here, ‘check out’ our gardening books and our gardens!
No registration necessary. Take home kit; while supplies last.
No registration required
Scarves for Charity
October 12-16
For teens
Kit pickup begins October 1st. Scarves can be handed in Tuesday, October 12th through The Great Give Back on Saturday, October 16th.
Teens will be provided with yarn and hook to crochet a scarf to be donated to a local homeless shelter. A instructional video can be found on the library’s website and YouTube channel. Teens are also welcome to crochet additional scarves. Other community members are welcome to donate scarves as well.
Registration for Teens wanting kits begins October 1st.
A collection box will be set up in Teen Space. Junior Friends will be awarded community service hours for their participation.
Fall Festival Food Drive
October 15-16
For all ages
Attend our Fun Fall Festival and drop off a donation to our food drive to help Long Island Families in need.
Registration is required to attend the Festival. Food donations will be accepted regardless of registration status.
Family Art Walk About
October 16-18
11:00 am-4:00 pm
For all
A community art walk around the library building. Community members can pick up a poster/foam board to decorate (return by 10/13)and then be displayed outside (weather permitting).
Participation is limited to local community members.
Westbury Memorial Public Library
Town of North Hempstead Animal Shelter Donations
September 7-October 16
Donations to the North Hempstead Animal Shelter will be accepted September 7th-October 15th at the Children’s Library. On October 15th at 3:30pm, teens will be making homemade dog treats and on October 16th from 12pm to 3pm, children will stop and write an encouraging card to the shelter animals and adopt a stuffed animal pal.
All are welcome to donate! Registration is required for the Teen Treat program and the Children’s Adopt-a-Pal program is while supplies last. Please see our website for a list of acceptable donations,
LI Cares Pet Supply Drive
October 16-30
The Williston Park Library is collecting pet food and other pet supplies for LI Cares.
Baldwin Public Library
Nursing Home Card Project
October 1-17
Patrons will create greeting cards for seniors living in nursing homes. Patrons can drop off cards to the library any time we’re open until the end of the day on October 17.
Bayville Free Library
Great Give Back Foam Pumpkins
October 5 – 19
For all ages
Help us spread some seasonal cheer by decorating a foam pumpkin with an inspirational quote. You can decorate the pumpkins however you would like. The pumpkins will be distributed throughout Bayville.
The foam pumpkins are available for pick-up beginning on October 5 and must be returned to the Library by October 19. This program is for all ages.
Bellmore memorial Library
Food Drive
October 1 – 31
During the month of October the library will be hosting a food drive. The food will be donated to the Bellmore-Merrick C.H.S.D Community Cupboard. The Cupboard is a student run organization which helps to feed 50 families every 2 weeks.
Home Town Heroes
October 1 – 31
For all ages
Now more than ever, the saying “Not all heroes wear capes” rings true. Sure, heroes can be those who provide essential emergency services, but they can also be regular people who commit small acts of kindness or “go the extra mile.” Do you know someone who lives or works in Bellmore who has proven themselves to be a hero? Who is making a difference in your hometown? We want to know. Please visit our website to nominate a neighborhood hero. Your nominee will be honored on a special community board in the library and featured on our social media accounts. Registration is not required and participation is not restricted to district residents.
Bethpage Public Library
Saint Mother Teresa Outreach & Food Pantry
October 1-30
Collection of non-perishable food, household cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene products for the community Food Pantry Outreach organization.
East Rockaway Public Library
Food Drive
October 17
10:00 am-5:00 pm
We are collecting food and hygiene products to donate to our local food banks.
Elmont Library
Great Give Back for Furry and Feathered Friends
October 17 from 9:30 am-5:00 pm
For families and children
We’ll be running a pet food drive for the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter starting October 17-30. Families who bring in a pet food item will receive a take home Cheerios Bird Feeder craft. There are no restrictions.
Giving Back to the Elmont Community
October 17-30
Schedule of Events :
Pantry Food Drive: Donate canned food or non-perishable items for Island Harvest and/or the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter and receive an Elmont Library giveaway.
Teen Pet Craft kit: Donate canned food or non-perishable items and receive a craft kit containing supplies to make a cute pet collar. Join us as we celebrate the Elmont Community & support the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter and Island Harvest!
Farmingdale Public Library
RewearAble Clothing & Accessory Drive
October 13-16
During the week of the Great Giveback, we are collaborating with RewearAble to collect clothing (all sizes and ages) and accessories (hats, gloves, scarves, shoes, handbags)! Please bring your gently used, clean items to RewearAble, and mention that you are donating items with Farmingdale Public Library. The organization is doing contactless pickup of donations, so please call when you arrive, and a staff-member will unload the donations from your car’s trunk. Donations will be accepted only at RewearAble’s Bethpage location: 837 South Oyster Bay Road Bethpage, NY 11714.
Coupons for Troopons
October 17 from 9:00 am-5:00 pm
For all ages
We are collaborating with Support Our Troops to cut and sort manufacturers’ coupons to donate to the Troopons program! Please cut and sort your coupons at home, and email a picture of the coupons you are mailing to For a full list of directions, types of accepted coupons, and mailing address, please visit:
Please include only manufacturers’ coupons (6 months expired or less), sorted by type of coupon. Please do not include store-specific or restaurant coupons. A full list of accepted coupons can be found at:
Cards for Healthcare Workers
October 17
9:00-5:00 pm
We are staying safe and thank our hospital workers for all of their hard work! Write and decorate thank-you cards for healthcare workers, and don’t forget to sign them! Mail the cards to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Attention Elizabeth Brennan, Nursing Administration. Before you mail the cards, please take a picture of them, and email it to
Virtual; please mail cards to St. Joseph’s Hospital ATTN: Elizabeth Brennan, Nursing Administration 4295 Hempstead Tpke, Bethpage, NY 11714
Floral Park Public Library
Share a Pair Sock Donation for McDonald House in New Hyde Park
October 1-31
The Floral Park Public Library will be collecting new, packaged socks to donate to the Ronald McDonald House in New Hyde Park. Donations will be accepted in the library’s lobby. During this time of COVID, we do ask that you wear a mask when entering our library’s lobby.
Franklin Square Library
Food Drive for Long Island Cares
October 1-31
Help people in need-donate food at the library!
Great Give Back Blood Drive!
October 17
10:00 am-2:30 pm
Ages 18 & up
Freeport Memorial Library and the New York Blood Center encourages everyone over the age of 18, to donate Blood and Save Lives at our Great Give Back Blood Drive on Saturday on October 17, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m.. Walk-In’s Welcome!
DIY Cat Toys
October 1-17
The Great Give Back. Make a cat toy to be donated to All About Cats Rescue on Sunrise Highway in Freeport. Come to the Children’s Room and pick up your diy kit, beginning on October 1st. Make your toy and bring it back to the Library by October 17th. We will deliver all the finished toys to the cat rescue. It feels Great to Give Back. Registration is not required. Participation is open to residents and non-residents.
Henry Waldinger Memorial Library
Pet Supplies Drive for Paw It Forward Pet Pantry
October 1-17
The library will be collecting pet supplies to benefit Paw It Forward Pet Pantry which “lends a paw” to those in need and assists pet owners with providing for their pets when they fall on difficult times. Donations will be accepted in the vestibule of the Children’s Room entrance of the library. All pet supplies are welcome but the most needed items are listed on the pantry’s Amazon wish list:
Island Trees Public Library
Reason2Smile Recycled Paper Beaded Bracelets
October 12
10:00 am-5:00 pm
For teens (grades 5-12)
Want an activity that is not only fun but promotes social action and awareness? Why not think about a recycled paper beading project that supports Reason2Smile. R2S is a registered non-profit in New York that helps to support the Jambo Jipya School, trade school options and the Jambo Jipya Children’s Home in Mtwapa, Kenya. 100% of the cost of this program is used for this purpose.
Teens will be able to pick up their craft kits at the library starting on Oct. 12 at the YA Desk! Teens must register to reserve their kits.
Registration begins Oct. 1. Registration is required. Non-residents can register 1 week before if there are spots open. You must be able to pick-up your kit at the library, we will not be mailing kits
Jericho Public Library
The Great GIve Back
October 17
9:00 am-4:00 pm
For K-12
Grab and go – paper bead bracelet. Registration restricted to district residents only.
Levittown Public Library
Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter Donation Collection
October 1-31
Please donate any of the following *new* items: linens such as towels and blankets, pet toys, pet bowls, crates, unopened food. No registration is required. Please leave items in box located in library lobby.
Lynbrook Public Library
DIY: Build Your Own Home Library
October 17
11:00 am-3:00 pm
In our parking lot
For all ages
Come to the Lynbrook Library Parking lot between 11-3pm and browse a collection of books that need a new forever home. Tables with be set socially distance by age groups, birth – adult. Participants will receive a bag that they can fill with books to build their home library. Raindate: October 24, 2020.
Malverne Public Library
Snack Bags for the Mary Brennan INN
October 1-17
The Malverne Public Library is collecting food items to make snack bags for children in need to donate to the Mary Brennan INN. Suggested items include: water bottles, juice boxes, small bags of chips, individually wrapped snacks, fruit cups, etc. Donations can be dropped off in the box in the library lobby. Teen volunteers can decorate and assemble snack bags on Sat, Oct. 17 by appointment. Teen volunteers can register to decorate and assemble snack bags on Sat, Oct. 17 by calling 516-599-0970 or emailing
Manhasset Public Library
Food Drive for Island Harvest
October 10-17
Food Drive for Island Harvest Food Bank. All members of the community are invited to participate by bringing healthy non-perishable good donations to our collection box in the library lobby.
Used Crayon Drive
October 1-17
The Manhasset Public Library will be collecting used crayons for The Crayon Initiative, a nonprofit organization whose mission is “Recycling used and unwanted crayons to preserve our environment and enrich the lives of hospitalized children through art and imagination.” No registration required. Crayons will be collected in the designated drop box in the library lobby.
Massapequa Public Library
Food Collection
October 13-26
We are collecting food for Island Harvest at the Central Avenue and Bar Harbour library locations.
Merrick Library
Bringing Birthday Parties to Homeless Children
October 1-30
Please donate birthday party supplies, such as party hats, banners, blowers, birthday napkins, plates and cups. We also, will be collecting toys, AA and AAA batteries. Everything must be new and wrapped. No stuffed animals please!
Mineola Memorial Library
Reason2Smile Bracelets
October 1
10:00 am-9:00 pm
The Mineola Library will be handing out paper bracelet kits from Reason2Smile, an organization supporting educational opportunities at the Jambo Jipya school in Kenya, Africa. Open to Mineola library cardholders only!
North Bellmore
Long Island Cares Food Drive
October 1-31
We have teamed up with Long Island Cares to host a food drive at the library for the month of October. There are thousands of Long Islanders who are experiencing
hunger, poverty or food insecurity. Please consider donating non-perishable food, baby food, diapers or personal care items to the donation box located inside
the library.
Stars of Hope
October 17
10:00 am-1:00 pm
For all ages
We are working with the Stars of HOPE® organization to empower our community with the opportunity to become part of a growing “pay it forward” service movement that is bringing hope and healing to people around the world. Drop in the library anytime between 10am-1pm on Saturday, October 17th to decorate a wooden star that will be distributed and displayed in public places in communities worldwide in the aftermath of tragedy serving as beacons of hope and compassion for all to see.
North Merrick
Pumpkin Patch of Kindness
October 17
11:30 am-1:00 pm
For all ages
The North Merrick Public Library is celebrating this year’s Great Give Back with a Pumpkin Patch of Kindness! We have several ways patrons can participate. Children and teens can come to our pumpkin Patch of Kindness on October 17 at 11:30 am and select a pumpkin and a related act of kindness. Adults can pick up a craft kit with an act of kindness attached. (while supplies last)
Spread the love and share with us on social media.
No registration required. While supplies last.
Plainedge Public Library
Thank You Card Craft Program
October 17
On Saturday, October 17th, 2020 Plainedge Public Library will be providing a number of Grab & Go – Thank you Card Craft Kits for the community to take and make a card with to send to an organization, institution or special someone of their choice.
A short video will also be posted on Facebook on October 17th. It will further advertise the program and show card samples for ideas on how they can use their Thank You Card Kit along with other common art supplies found at home to make their cards.
One hour of community service credit will be given to any child and teen who emails us a picture of their completed card along with their name, age and grade.
Teens can email our YA Department at Children’s card pictures can be emailed to Children’s Services at Registration is not required.
Rockville Centre Public Library
The Great GIve Back Food Collection
october 17
9:00 am-4:30 pm
The Library is collecting non-perishable food items to help the
Mary Brennan INN continue to serve their guests. The INN is in
need of items such as: canned tuna, canned soup, peanut butter,
jelly, cereal, juice boxes, applesauce, and other items that can be used
to make a to-go lunch that does not require additional utensils.
Roosevelt Library
Great Give Back
October 5-16
For teens & adults
Socks Drive for Seniors: It’s time to give back to the community. Bring NEW socks for men and women at the library. Your donation will be given to local seniors.
Seaford Public Library
Long Island Cares
October 1-31
The Seaford Public Library will be accepting donations of non-perishable food items to donate to Long Island Cares. Long Island Cares is a food bank and hunger assistance organization which provides nutritional food and support services for a network of more than 540 community-based member agencies Acceptable items are those that are not damaged or expired. One box will be located in the front lobby and the other in the Children’s Room. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Syosset Public Library
Reason2Smile Beaded Bracelets
October 17
For grades 6-12
Great Give Back: bracelet kits. Saturday, October 17. Stop in the week of October 12 to pick up a recycled paper beaded bracelet kit in the children’s room or TeenSpace. Kits include all materials (except glue) and instructions to make a bracelet to support Reason2Smile, a non-profit organization whose mission is to help provide educational opportunities for children attending the Jambo Jipya School in Kenya. A video on how to make the bracelet will also be available on the library’s website starting on Saturday, October 17. No registration, while supplies last.
Great Give Back Food Drive
October 5-17
We are asking the library community to bring non-perishable food items to the Children’s Department. The items will be boxed up and delivered to the food pantry at St. Edward the Confessor Church, part of the Long Island Harvest network, for donation to local food banks.
Wantagh Library
Great Give Back
September 16
9:30 am-4:00 pm
For all ages
The Wantagh Library will be hosting a food drive on Saturday, October 17th from 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. We invite the community to drop off food in bins located at our Jones Avenue Entrance. All the food collected will be donated to Island Harvest. No registration is required.
Wst Hempstead Public Library
Food Drive for the Mary Brennan INN
October 17-18
Drop off non-perishable items to be donated to the Mary Brennan Inn
Williston Park Library
Food Drive
October 1-31
Please help us by dropping off non-perishable food items to help our neighbors in need.