Mohawk Valley Library System Archived Events
Public libraries of Fulton, Montgomery, Schenectady, and Schoharie Counties

Below are libraries from the Mohawk Valley Library System that participated in past instances of The Great Give Back! Return to the previous page for information about what libraries will be participating in GGB this year. Please contact libraries directly for questions regarding offered programming.
Free Little Food Pantry and Story Hour for Volunteering
October 20th-21st from 9:00am-1:00pm
All ages
Please contribute a can of food, paper item or toiletries that we will share with our local community. Our pantry is located right outside our library.
Our children’s story hour, 10-30 AM will feature the NYS Volunteer 2023 reading Sonia Sotomayor’s book “Just Help” to support and encourage volunteering in your community
No registration required
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Luggage Drive
October 1st-31st
All ages
The luggage drive will collect news and gently used luggage for our partners at the Domestic Violence Program of Fulton County. The items will be distributed to people escaping domestic abuse, who may have no dignified method to store and transport the important items they manage to take with them when they seek safety.
No registration required
Seeds of Happiness
October 1st-31st from 9:00am-6:00pm
All ages
In October, we will be collecting new or gently used luggage, new socks, new underwear, new women’s undergarments (bras/sports bras), and new pajama sets. These can be any/all sizes from child to adult including plus sizes. All of these items will be given to our local domestic violence shelter.
No registration required
Schenectady County Public Library – Central
Hygiene items collection for 518 Free Store
October 17th – November 30th
Adults and Children
Drop off items during library hours:
MON thru THURS @ 9AM-8PM
SUN @ 12PM-4PM
No registration required
Food Pantry Donations
Helping to support our local food pantry with donations from the patrons of the Johnstown Public Library. We are accepting non-perishable food items to donate at any time.