Mid-Hudson Library System Archived Events
Public libraries of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnam and Ulster Counties

Below are libraries from the Mid-Hudson Library System that participated in past instances of The Great Give Back! Return to the previous page for information about what libraries will be participating in the GGB this year. Please contact libraries directly for questions regarding offered programming.
Beekman Library’s Great Give Back
October 21st
All ages
From now until October 21, 2023, the Beekman Library will collect toiletries for Hudson River Housing.
Hudson River Housing creates pathways out of homelessness and strengthens communities by developing and preserving affordable housing and creating opportunities for people to thrive. Help us support this worthwhile organization and their mission of ending homelessness. Please drop items off at the Beekman Library or call us to arrange a pickup.
No registration is required and participation is not limited to residents
The Great Give Back: Kindness Crafts
October 21st from 11:00am-2:00pm
All ages
The Brewster Public Library will be inviting community members to join our effort to “Nurture Our Neighbors” by creating kindness crafts at the library. This will be a drop-in program with a variety of age appropriate crafts for participants to make. Staff members will distribute the finished kindness crafts in outdoor spaces throughout the community in hopes to spread some positivity and inspiration to our neighbors.
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Collecting Donations and Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence – Healing a Woman’s Soul
October 1st-31st
All ages
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Chatham Public Library is collecting donations on behalf of Healing a Woman’s Soul (HAWS) as part of its Great Give Back taking place throughout the month. HAWS is a compassionate non-profit program whose mission is to help heal women who are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence comes in many forms – verbal abuse, physical harm, financial control and manipulation – and experiencing it often leads to homelessness and many other life-threatening issues. On behalf of HAWS, the Library will be collecting monetary donations (made out to Healing a Woman’s Soul) and needed items including blankets and sheets (single), pillows (new), pillow cases, dishes and/or flatware, pots and pans and/or cooking utensils/pot holders, small appliances, cleaning items including sponges and buckets, women’s underwear (new), as well as used clothing (especially for children) such as socks, coats, boots and shoes. Personal care items needed include shampoo/conditioners, sanitary napkins, toothbrushes/toothpaste, brushes/combs, hand and body lotion, and diapers. They are also in need of school supplies like notebook paper, crayons, notebooks, pens, pencils, and calculators. A collection container will be located on the lower floor of the Library starting October 1 and running through October 31, 2023. Questions about this program or any library services should be directed to merka@chatham.k12.ny.us
No registration required
Zonta Pop Up Period Pantry
October 4th – November 1st from12:00-7:00pm
Zonta Club of the Upper Hudson Valley is collection period supplies in public libraries in Greene and Columbia Counties until November. Supplies will be donated to local food banks.
No registration required
Lion’s Club Coat Drive
October 2nd – November 4th from 12:00-7:00pm
All ages
We are collecting gently used coats for people of all ages. The Lions Club will distribute them.
No registration required
Clinton Community Library Gives Back!
October 1st-31st
All ages
Clinton Community Library will be collecting items for our local food pantry. During the entire month of October, stop by Clinton Community Library to donate canned/dried non perishables as well as toiletry/personal hygiene products. All items will be donated to the Pleasant Plains Presbyterian Church food pantry. Donations will be accepted at any time during the library’s open hours from October 1st through October 31st. Patrons and community members are invited to stop by the library on October 21st to help prepare and assemble hygiene kits with the items donated. Please see the list of needed items on Clinton Community Library’s website. Thank you for your support of our wonderful community!
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Personal Care Items Drive for Center of Compassion
October 1st-31st
All ages
Dover Plains Library will be collecting personal care items (shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc) for Center of Compassion in Dover Plains. You can drop off items at the library starting October 1 through the end of the month.
No registration required
East Fishkill Community Library
Personal and Pet Care Collection
October 1st-31st
All ages
Help you neighbors in need! We’re collecting personal hygiene and pet care products all through October. Donations will be used in our free pantries- any excess will be donated to local organizations. All donations should be sealed and within any expiration dates. Needed items for personal care include soaps, feminine products, and dental care items. For pets, canned and dry foods, litter, and treats are needed.
No registration required
September 1st – October 12th
All ages
Donate food for our local food pantry. UC competing to see who can collect the most food!
No registration required
Columbia-Greene Humane Society/SPCA food and supply drive
October 2nd-31st
All ages
Donations of pet food and supplies for the Columbia-Greene Humane Society/SPCA can be dropped off at the Germantown Library during October
No registration required
Great Giveback ‘feed’back!
September 21st – October 21st
All ages
We will be collecting non-perishable food items to give to our local food pantry. Items can be dropped off during our open hours. Thank you!
No registration required
Dutchess Libraries Care
October 1st-31st from 9:30am-8:00am
All ages
Toiletries Collection – Drop-off toiletries to Grinnell Public Library to be given to Hudson River Inc.
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 21st
All ages
We will be collecting food to give to our local food bank. The collection will last until Thanksgiving. The competition with other Ulster libraries will end on Oct 21st.
No registration required
Great Knit Off
September 1st – December 1st
We are inviting anyone who loves to knit or crochet to join us in our mission to provide warm and cozy knitwear to those in need. Your generosity and talent can make a real difference in the lives of many people who are struggling to stay warm this winter. Together, we can spread warmth and love throughout our community. So, if you have some spare time and a passion for knitting or crocheting, we would be thrilled to have you join us in this important cause. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a positive impact in our community. Done at home or during Yarn and Yak.
Registration suggested for anyone attending Yarn and Yak
Stichin’ for the Kitchen
October 1st – November 17th
All ages
Starting October 1st and running through November 17th, the Howland Public Library invites Beacon and the surrounding communities to participate in “Stitchin’ for the Kitchen” by donating handmade hats and scarves. Donations can be dropped off at the Howland Public Library located at 313 Main Street in Beacon, NY. The primary beneficiaries of this drive are Fareground, Beacon Community Kitchen, and St. Andrew’s Food Pantry. All collected hats and scarves will be distributed to individuals and families in need throughout the Beacon area, ensuring that they stay warm and cozy during the colder months ahead. Washable fibers, please.
No registration required
Period Pantry
September 28th – October 31st
All ages
In partnership with the Zonta Club of the Upper Hudson Valley, the Hudson Area Library will be collected period products to be dispersed to those in need through local food kitchens. The Pop-Up Period Pantry is located near the main desk in the library. Period products may be donated through the Pop-Up Period Pantry during open library hours.
No registration required
Lion’s Club Coat Drive
October 1st-31st
All ages
In partnership with the Hudson Lion’s Club, the Hudson Area Library will be collecting new or gently used winter coats and outerwear (hats, gloves, scarves) to be dispersed to those in need. Donations may be made in the collection bin by the main entrance of the library during open library hours.
No registration required
October 1st-31st
All ages
The Hunter Public Library will be collecting brand new socks to be donated to the Community Action of Greene County, Inc. for the homeless.
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Fall Food Drive
November 1st-18th
All ages
The Hyde Park Library is hosting a Fall Food Drive to benefit the Hyde Park Food Pantry. Donations will be accepted in the Main Library from November 1st to November 18th. All items must be non-perishable and not expired.Here are some items that the food pantry is looking for:
Boxes of Hot Chocolate or Tea, Soup, Crackers, Condiments, Boxes of Potatoes, Hamburger Helper, Turkey Stuffing, Jars of Turkey Gravy, Canned Sweet Potatoes, and Canned Cranberry Sauce. Toiletries are welcome as well!
No registration required
Spring Bulb Planting at Kent Town Center
October 24th from 4:00-5:00pm
Ages 12-adult
We will meet at the Kent Public Library, 17 Sybil’s Crossing, Kent Lakes, NY and plant spring bulbs (crocus, snow drops and daffodils) in the central campus area, in front to the town hall and library. If it is raining, we will postpone this event until the next day, October 25. If possible, please bring a trowel or other tool to dig with.
Please go to https://kentlibrary.evanced.info/signup/calendar to register, so that we will know how many bulbs to buy.
Hudson River Housing Donation Drive
October 1st-28th from 9:30am-2:00pm
All ages
The LaGrange Association Library invites our community once again to participate in The Great Give Back! This year we are collecting a variety of items for Hudson River Housing, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing everyone with a good place to live in dignity. We will collect these donations inside of the library throughout the month of October during our regular business hours.
No registration required
Fire Safety for Your Home and Family
October 21st from 2:30-4:00pm
Livingston Town Hall Parking Lot
All ages
Come join us in the Livingston Town Hall parking lot on October 21st at 2:30pm
to learn all about fire safety in your home and how to protect your family and property.
Safely preparing for the colder months and learn more about what the fire company
does in the community.
No registration required
The Great Community Give Back Food Drive
October 1st-31st
All ages
Non-perishable food items can be dropped off during the Library’s open hours.
No registration required
Volunteer Fair
October 14th from 11:00am-1:30pm
All ages
Interested in volunteering? Come to Millbrook Library to see all the amazing organizations that help our community and learn how you can help. We have organizations joining us for animal care, local ecology, food banks, medical care, and more.
No registration required
Dutchess Libraries Care – Personal Care Drive
October 2nd-31st
All ages
We are collecting personal care items for people in need in our community! Donations accepted include: Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Body wash, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Mouthwash, Dental floss, Menstrual products, Deodorant, Razors, Shaving cream, Hairbrushes
No registration required
Morton Memorial Library & Community House
3rd Annual Milkweed Release Day
October 21st from 10:00am-12:00pm
Drayton Grant Park at Burger Hill
All ages
Join Morton and Staatsburg Libraries as we partner with the Pollinator Patrol and Winnakee Land Trust for a morning of identifying milkweed, talking about monarchs, spreading seed, and planting native plants: NE asters, swamp milkweed, etc. This event is free and open to all.
Registration requested not required: https://tinyurl.com/yd43j4af
“Dutchess Libraries Care” Personal Care Product Collection
October 1st-31st
Any of the local Dutchess county libraries
All ages
Dutchess County Libraries are collecting personal care items for those in need. Help us by donating through the month of October. Examples of personal care items are: shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, alcohol free mouthwash, menstrual products, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, hairbrushes.
No registration required.
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 21st
All ages
Ulster County libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities.
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Putnam Lake Park Cleanup
October 18th
Putnam Lake Park
Our Teen Leadership Council is excited to announce that they will be cleaning up Putnam Lake Park on Wednesday, October 18th at 4:30 PM. Stop by and lend a hand or offer some nice words of encouragement for a great bunch of kids helping out toward a good cause.
No registration required
Ulster County Library Food Fight
September 1st – October 15th from 1:00-6:00pm
All ages
We are collecting food for area food banks. Please bring NON-EXPIRED non-perishables to our library to share with neighbors who could use a little extra!
No registration required
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 21st
All ages
Non-perishable food donations. Donations will be accepted during normal library hours.
No registration required
Great Give Back for Hudson River Housing
October 1st-21st
All ages
From October 2 until October 21, we will collect full-sized toiletries/personal care items for Hudson River Housing. Please drop off donations in our lobby whenever we are open. And on Saturday, October 21, while we are open from 10:00am until 2:00pm, we invite everyone to come in and assemble the donated items into personal care packages for Hudson River Housing’s clients. Hudson River Housing creates pathways out of homelessness and strengthens communities by developing and preserving affordable housing and creating opportunities for people to thrive. Help us support this worthwhile organization and their mission of ending homelessness.
No registration required
Poughkeepsie Public Library District
In Support of Dutchess Outreach
Adriance Memorial Library
October 21st from 12:00-3:00pm
All ages
Join us in giving back in support of the good work of Dutchess Outreach, a major food pantry and supplier of meals to those in need. A donation of unexpired canned or boxed food goods will be accepted by those wishing to donate.
No registration required
Be an Adriance! Give Back to the Community on Founders Day!
Adriance Memorial Library
October 21st from 1:00-3:00pm
Be like the Adriance Family, who 125 years ago, gifted a library building to the community. We don’t need another library but Dutchess Outreach needs to fill their food pantry shelves! Help us help then help the community! Donate unexpired, non-preishable food to the cause when you come for our Founders Day celebration.
No registration required
Toiletries Collection for Putnam/Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center
October 1st-31st from 10:00am-7:00pm
All ages
We are collecting donations during our hours of operation for the Putnam /Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center. No registration is required. We are accepting the following new/sealed items: Full size shampoo, conditioner, soap, feminine hygiene products, hair combs and brushes, cotton ball and swabs.
No registration required
NexTrex Recycling Challenge
October 1st-31st
All ages
The library is collecting commonly not recycled plastics like bags and packaging plastic. A collection bin is placed inside the library for the community to add to.
No registration required
Love Shouldn’t Hurt
October 1st-21st
Teens and Adults
The Red Hook Public Library will be collecting donations for the Grace Smith House. Grace Smith House is a private nonprofit that provides residential and non-residential services to victims of domestic violence and their families. They offer shelter, transitional housing, advocacy, individual/group counseling, accompaniment, transportation, outreach and preventive education and more to residents of Dutchess County, NY.
As part of our Great Give Back efforts, we will be partnering with the Grace Smith House to offer two programs aimed at teens and adults respectively. The program is called “Love Shouldn’t Hurt,” which is an awareness, intervention, and prevention workshop that addresses the serious issue of abuse in dating relationships. This workshop will empower teens and adults with the skills to distinguish between relationships based on power and control and those based on equality, respect and trust.
Women’s Resource Center Drive
October 2nd-31st from 10:00am-7:00pm
The Putnam/Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center provides advocacy, education and services to the community in order to create a safe, supportive environment that eliminates violence against women and children and promotes gender equality. In order to support their mission, Reed Memorial Library will collect items for the emergency shelter the PNWWRC runs that houses individuals who are victims of domestic violence to take respite from an abusive partner and receive services and support by trained staff. Items for adults: shampoo, conditioner, soap, feminine hygiene products, hair combs & brushes, cotton balls & swabs. Items for children: school supplies, crayons, pens, pencils, notebooks, coloring books. If you want to donate items to the drive, please bring them to the library during the month of October.
Registration is not required.
Roeliff Jansen Community Library
Firefighter Recruitment and Fire Prevention
October 21st from 11:00am-2:00pm
All ages
Join members of the Copake Fire Department to learn about what it takes to become a firefighter and tips on fire prevention. Copake firefighters will also teach visitors some rope tricks–being one of the few firefighting districts in the area trained in rope rescue.
No registration required
UC Food Fight
October 1st-21st
All ages
As part of the Great Give Back, Ulster County libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities!
No registration required
Dutchess Libraries Care: Starr Library Hygiene Product Collection
October 2nd-31st
All ages
Dutchess Libraries Care. Help us collect personal care items through the month of October to help those in need. Donations accepted include soap, shampoo, menstrual products, deodorant, and more. See complete list in the library and on our website. Items can be brought in during the library’s open hours throughout the month of October.
No registration required
Monarchs & Milkweed at Burger Hill
October 21st from 11:00am-1:00pm
Drayton Grant Park at Burger Hill 3158 NY-9G, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
All ages
The Staatsburg Library and the Morton Library are partnering with the Pollinator Patrol Club & the Winnakee Land Trust for a morning of identifying milkweed, talking about Monarchs and spreading milkweed seeds. This is a great opportunity to help Monarch butterflies and pollinators by expanding the pollinator pathway and milkweed waystation at Burger Hill.
No registration required
Dutchess Libraries Care
October 1st-31st
All ages
The Staatsburg Library will collect travel size toiletry/personal hygiene and care products for distribution through Hudson River Housing and Hope On A Mission. Throughout the month volunteers from the Staatsburg community will package items to be distributed. Hudson River Housing creates pathways out of homelessness and strengthens communities by developing and preserving affordable housing and creating opportunities for people to thrive. Help us support this worthwhile organization and their mission of ending homelessness. Please drop items off at the Staatsburg Library.
No registration required
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 21st
All ages
We are collecting food and personal care items for local food pantries.
No registration required
Personal Care Items Collection
October 1st-31st
All ages
During the month of October, the Tivoli Free Library will be collecting donations of personal care items (including but not limited to soap, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, feminine products, soaps, shampoos/conditioners, toilet paper, wet wipes) for the Red Hook Community Center. Donations may be brought to the library during open hours – we cannot accept opened packages or used items.
No registration required
Great Give Back to your local food pantry
September 21st – October 21st
Drop off at any local Greene County Library
All ages
Help support your local food pantry by donating goods at your local library! All Greene County Libraries will be accepting canned foods, dry goods and toiletry/personal hygiene products for each of their local food pantries for an entire month span, beginning September 21 and ending October 21. Donations will be accepted during your local library’s open hours. Thank you for helping your local Greene County community!
No registration required
Woodstock Public Library District
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st-October 21st from 10:00am-6:00pm
All ages
Ulster County Food Fight! Bring us your *non-perishable (and unexpired)* food donations September 1 – October 21. As part of the Great Give Back, Ulster County libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities! Please bring in your food donations during our open hours. All items collected will go to the Good Neighbor Food Pantry in Woodstock.
No registration required
Beekmman Library & The Great Give Back
October 15 from 12:00-2:00 pm
For all ages
The Beekman Library will collect in-demand items for the Dutches County SPCA and the DCSPCA will be at the Beekman Library talking all about pets and how to adopt!
No registration required and no restrictions.
Coat Drive
September 15-October 15
Winter coat drive. Drop off clean, new or gently-used coats and winter wear (hats,gloves, scarves) at your Columbia County Library for distribution to local charities.
Clinton Community Library
Clinton Community Gives Back
October 1-15
This year Clinton Community Library has partnered with The Town of Clinton Food Pantry. We kindly ask all community members to donate non-perishables such as canned goods, nut butters, dried fruits and vegetables, grains, granola and protein bars. We also ask for donations of baby food, baby formula and children’s lunch box snacks. Additionally, please donate toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, sanitary products, deodorant etc.) As the colder months approach, it is important that all people, in our community and outside, have access to warm meals, nutrition and comfort. Please bring your donations to Clinton Community Library between October 1st and October 15th.
*Please only donate items are unopened and not expired.
Donations for KidsPeace Foster Care
October 1-15
The Desmond-Fish Public Library invites our community back to participate in The Great Give Back! This year we are collecting new or “like new” suitcases, and duffle bags. They will go to KidsPeace Foster Care, a non-profit, therapeutic organization dedicated to helping provide services to children in need. With the community’s generosity, these children will enter into this care with their belongings in an item that gives them a sense of dignity and that they are cared for.
Operation Gratitude Card Making
October 1 from 10:30 am-12:30 pm
For all ages
Stop by our Community Room for this card making event to thank our first responders and members of the military. We will have lots of fun decorating supplies to help you create heartfelt greetings. Supplies will also be available through October 12th for pick up. Operation Gratitude will distribute the cards for us on October 15th.
No registration required.
East Fishkill Community Library
Pet Care Supply Drive
October 1-31
East Fishkill is home to many animal rescue organizations; we’ll be a donation collection center for all of October, so bring pet care items and food any time we’re open and we’ll distribute it to the groups in need. From pups to parakeets, hamsters to horses, your donations can help care for the rescue and shelter animals in our area!
Columbia County Libraries Association Winter Coat Drive
September 15 – October 15
Drop off clean and gently-used coats and winter wear (hats, gloves, scarves) at your Columbia County library for distribution to local charities.
Green County Library Association
Toiletries Collection for Hudson Valley Castle Point
September 30 – October 15
We will be collecting toiletries for the VA Hudson Valley Castle Point Campus. Donations will be accepted during the library’s operating hours.
Stichin’ for the Kitchen
October 1 – November 18
Howland Public Library is collecting handmade hats and scarves to be distributed to neighbors in need through Fareground and Beacon Community Kitchen. Contact community@beaconlibrary.org for more information.
Prison Library Wish List
October 17 – November 18
The Howland Public Library is also collecting books for NY State prison libraries. For this pilot program, we have received a wish list from a Hudson Valley correctional facility for specific in-demand books needed in their library. Through this program we hope to support prison libraries and ensure that all our community members have access to quality resources that they want to read.
A link to the wish list will be available at beaconlibrary.org starting Monday, Oct.17th. For those who prefer to support our local bookstores, a local wish list will also be available at the Library. Please note that the Library will only be accepting books from the wish list created by our prison library partners. For more information about the Prison Library Wish List, contact Michelle at community@beaconlibrary.org.
Columbia County Libraries Association Coat Drive
September 15 – October 29
As part of this year’s Great Give Back, all eleven Columbia County Libraries are partnering together to collect coats and winter outerwear (hats, mittens, scarves) to donate to local charities. Clean and gently-used donations can be dropped off at each of the County libraries starting Friday, September 15th through Saturday, October 15th. The Hudson Area Library will be extending their collection of coats and winter outerwear through October 29th in partnership with the Hudson Lion’s Club.
Julia L. Butterfield Memorial Library
Vet2Vet Card Making
October 3-5 from 3:00-5:00 pm
For teens & adults
Drop by the Kent Library and make a handmade card to thank Veterans. No registration required!
Collecting Snacks and Toiletries for United for the Troops
October 7-31
The Kent Public Library will be collecting snacks, toiletries and other sundries to send in care packages to deployed military members.
Hudson River Housing Donation Drive
October 1-15
The LaGrange Association Library invites our community once again to participate in The Great Give Back! This year we are collecting a variety of items for Hudson River Housing, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing everyone with a good place to live in dignity. We will collect these donations inside of the library throughout the month of October during regular hours.
Columbia County Libraries Association Winter Coat Drive
September 15 – October 15
This is a joint collaboration of the Columbia County Libraries Association to collect winter coats to be distributed throughout Columbia County where they are needed.
Volunteer Fair
October 22 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm
For ages 12 & up
Learn how to get involved in local organizations from the arts groups to environmental nonprofits, from food pantries to animal shelters, and more! This event is good for conscientious teens and adults who want to make a difference in the community and help their neighbors. Stop by the library front lawn and gallery space to chat with local organizations and learn how to help out. No registration required!
River Haven Donation Drive
September 1 – October 15
One of the many opportunities that will be available to patrons of the Millbrook Library, is to offer donations and time to help the River Haven Youth Shelter of Poughkeepsie. This organization offers temporary, emergency shelter to children and teens ages 10 to 17.
They are in need of toiletry & hygiene items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, brushes, combs, shampoo, conditioner, chapstick, feminine hygiene products, towels, washcloths, and caddies. Also, they will need cold weather items, like blankets, hats, gloves, pajamas, and small toys, like fidget gadgets.
Please drop off any of these items at the Millbrook Library! We will be collecting donations until October 14th.
Then, on October 15th, bring the whole family and help us pack everything up into kits that can be given to kids as they arrive at the shelter. It’s a great way to have young hands involved in helping out a really important service organization in our local community!
And! one more way to get involved: stop by when you have time and decorate a bag that will be used for packaging the kits!
Grace Immigrant Outreach Food Drive
October 1-31
The library is partnering with Grace Immigrant Outreach for a food drive to benefit the La Mesa Food Distribution site that primarily serves our Hispanic community. We will be collecting donations throughout the month. This is a culturally-informed food drive so please review the list of needed foods below and bring them by the library for collection! Thanks for giving back to the community!
Food List: Maseca, Dry beans, Canned beans, Fruits (canned and fresh), Vegetables (Canned and Fresh), Rice, Pasta:, Vegetable oil, Cereal (cold and hot), Oatmeal, Soup, Juice (Canned and Frozen), Herbs/Spices
Stars of Hope
October 17 at 3:00 pm
For ages 12-19
Bring positivity into the world by painting an inspiring star. As part of the Great Give Back, Millbrook Library is partnering with the organization Stars of Hope to use art to bring messages of hope to communities and places where tragedies and disasters have happened. Paint a star which will be then shared with others who need some inspiration and positivity.
Craft for a Cause
October 7 Or October 21
5:00 pm
For ages 12 and up
Learn a new skill and make something for someone in need! Beginners and skilled fiber artists are invited to join us to make hats, scarves, and blankets. We will donate completed projects to local organizations that need them. No experience is necessary. This is an intergenerational program for ages 12 and up! Registration is not required.
Morton Memorial Library (Pine Hill)
Great Give Back with Winnakee Land Trust, Pollinator Patrol, Staatsburg and Morton Libraries – Milkweed Release
October 15 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm
At Drayton Grant Park at Burger Hill
For all ages
Join Morton and Staatsburg Libraries as we partner with the Pollinator Patrol and Winnakee Land Trust at Burger Hill for a morning of identifying milkweed, talking about monarchs, spreading seed, and having kiddos help put some milkweed packets together to give away.
Can’t join us that day, we will have seed packets after the event to share, these can be picked up at Morton or Staatsburg Libraries.
This event is free and open to all. Register at this link:
GCLA takes action for Community Action of Greene County!
Greene County Library Association will be collecting donations the first two weeks in October, of non-perishable food pantry items and personal hygiene products for the organization ‘Community Action of Greene County’. Items may be dropped off at any one of the participating Libraries in Greene County! Drop off at any participating Greene County Library. Call your local Greene County NY Library for more details!
Coat Drive
September 15-October 15
Columbia County Libraries Coat Drive
September 15 – October 15
Libraries throughout Columbia County
Columbia County Libraries will be collecting new and gently used winter coats to distribute through partner organizations to individuals and families in need in Columbia County. Coats will be distributed by local partner organizations.
Food Fight Food Drive
September 1 – October 15
Community members are invited to bring unexpired non-perishable goods to the library for local food banks.
DCSPCA – How To Care For Your New Pet
October 15
From 11:00 am-12:30 pm
For families and patrons of all ages
Learn how to best care for your new furry family member as Jean Epting of the Dutchess County SPCA presents this exciting and informative program for new pet parents!
Registration is required – please visit pleasantvalleylibrary.org
We will also have a Pet Supplies Donation Drive for DCSPCA throughout the month of October (Oct. 1 -31)
Roeliff Jansen Community Library
Columbia County Libraries Coat Drive
September 15 – October 15
Libraries throughout Columbia County
Columbia County Libraries will be collecting new and gently used winter coats to distribute through partner organizations to individuals and families in need in Columbia County.
Rye Free Reading Room and the Great Give Back!
October 1-31
RFRR will be participating in The Great Give Back, a statewide community service initiative, by being a drop-off location for the Carter’s Baby & Kid Clothing Free Recycling Program through TerraCycle.
Clothes will be collected October 1-31 in the Children’s Room
Bring to library collection bins during business hours
Clean and dry baby and kid clothing of any brand accepted
Clearly used but thoroughly cleaned clothing is fine (holes and stains happen)
No accessories or shoes
Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1 – October 15
Ulster County Libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries!
Donation Drive for Stanford Grange #808 Little Food Pantry
October 1-31
The Stanford Free Library will be collecting needed non-perishable food items and supplies for the Stanford Grange #808’s Little Food Pantry.
The Great Giveback: Coat Drive
October 15-22
The Great Giveback is a day of service at public libraries across New York. Drop off clean, new or gently-used coats, hats, gloves, scarves at Starr during the week of October 15-22.
Autumn Centerpieces
October 4-15
For 3 years old – adult
Create Autumn centerpieces for the Northeast Center for Rehabilitation and Brain Injury. The children will be creating multiple Fall-themed decorations. The adults will be making painted pumpkins made from reused corks. Both will come together to produce festive centerpieces to brighten up the common areas of the Center.
All are welcome to help with this project.
Winter Coat Drive
September 15 – October 15
The Valatie Free Library will be collecting gently used, clean winter coats to be given to people who need them.
Woodstock Public Library District
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1-October 15
Woodstock Library will be accepting non-perishable food donations September 1 – October 15. Help us fight food insecurity in our community!
As part of the Great Give Back, Ulster County libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities. Non-perishable items can be dropped off in our collecting bin during our open hours. Thank you!
Special multi-library event: Ulster County Food Fight!
October 1-16
“The Ulster County Food Fight is an annual food collection contest held in cooperation with 12 libraries throughout Ulster County from Wednesday, September 1 to Saturday, October 16. The library that collects the highest number of food items during this period wins the Food Fight and receives a winners’ certificate. Help your library win the Food Fight with your donations of non-perishable (and non-expired) food items for local food pantries.”
The following libraries are participating:
Gardiner Library
Highland Public Library
Hurley Library
Kingston Library
Milton Library – Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library
Morton Memorial Library in Pine Hill
Olive Free Library
Phoenicia Library
Plattekill Library
Rosendale Library
Stone Ridge Library
West Hurley Public Library.
Contact your local library to find out what local food pantry they are supporting and all the details of how you can donate food items.
The Great Give Back Donation Drive for the Grace Smith House
September 1 – October 16
Join the Great Give Back and help your community. We are collecting a specific list of items that will be donated to the Grace Smith House. The Grace Smith House supports victims of domestic violence.
General Needs: Items from our general needs list must be NEW and UNOPENED. See www.beekmanlibrary.org for the general needs list.
The Great Giveback
September 13-October 16
In addition to donating books, puzzles, and audiobooks to a local high school and nursing home, the library reached out to the Cairo community for donations of new or nearly new towels, sheets, and umbrella strollers—items much needed by a local shelter.
Working Together to Support Cancer Patients in Columbia County
September 15-October 16
The Columbia County Libraries Association is partnering with Our Community Cares Columbia County to collect and distribute clothing, supplies, and cards to help support cancer patients from September 15 to October 16. Items collected will be donated to Our Community Cares, who will distribute them in Comfort Bags for hospitals in our community.
If you’d like to help, please drop off any of the items in the Comfort Bag Wish List below at any Columbia County library from September 15 to October 16 during regular library hours.
Comfort Bag Wish List
Lap Blankets
Hats, Fuzzy Socks, Mittens, Gloves
Crayons/Colored Pencils, Adult Coloring Books, Pens
Unscented Lotion
Lip Balm
Drinking Cups with Straws
Travel-size Tissues
Inspirational items such as cards, books, magnets, and memo pads
Puzzle Books, Playing Cards, Crossword Books, Journals
Emery Boards
Chewing Gum
In addition to the donation drive, several County libraries are organizing crafting events to help patrons create handmade blankets, clothing, and cards for the Comfort Bag project and hosting informational programs with Our Community Cares CC Volunteers. Please visit individual library websites for more information on upcoming events.
Our Community Cares: Cancer Patient Care Boxes
September 18 – October 16
Collecting of materials to offer comfort to people undergoing cancer treatment. Our Fiber Arts Circle is creating lap blankets, hats, mittens and slippers for the boxes.
Support Our Community SPCA partnership
September 7-October 16
Clinton Community Library is pleased to be partnering with the Dutchess County SPCA for the Great Give Back, which is October 16th this year.
There is a large collection bin in the Clinton town hall to collect the items that they need. Pick up a few items on your next grocery or pet store trip and leave them at the library this month. And thank you for your support of SPCA and the Great Give Back!
The SPCA wishlist can be found here: https://dcspca.org/how-you-can-help/donate/#toggle-id-1
The SPCA is also in need of volunteers; if you are interested you can complete the online form here: https://dcspca.org/how-you-can-help/volunteer/
No registration required, items can be donated anytime the library is open.
1215 Centre Rd. Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Monday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 10:30am – 6:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed
The Center of Compassion Food Drive
September 20 – October 16
Community food drive benefitting The Center of Compassion food pantry in Dover Plains, NY. Donations will be accepted during normal Library hours. Look for the collection bin in the lobby.
East Fishkill Community Library
Great Give Back Food Drive
October 1-31
Help your neighbors in need by dropping off items for our indoor and outdoor food pantries. Food, personal hygiene, and pet items are welcome.
Donations should be brought in to the library, any time we are open. If we get more than we can use (and we hope we do!), items will be given to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Food Pantry.
Please check for past sell-by dates, open packages, or damaged/dented items – we won’t accept those due to safety concerns. Shelf-stable items only- we do not have refrigeration available.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Food Drive
October 4-25
Collection of non-perishable food for local food bank. Food can be dropped off during library business hours.
Support Hope’s Mission Backpack Program
October 1-30
For all ages
As a participant in the Great Give Back program, the library will be collecting food items to support Hope’s Mission Backpack Program. This program provides children in the community with breakfast and lunch items over the weekend. Suggested items that can be donated include: cereal, soup, mac & cheese, granola bars, fruit snacks, cookies, crackers, canned fruit, nuts, toothbrushes & toothpaste. For each item brought in, you will receive a $5 credit towards your current Heermance Library late fees. For Heermance Memorial Library Borrowers.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Howland Public Library (Beacon)
Stichin’ for the Kitchen
October 1 – November 15
Grab your hooks and needles Stichin’ for the Kitchen is Back!
As part of the Great Give Back, the Howland Public Library is collecting handmade hats and scarves to donate to Fareground and the Beacon Community Kitchen. Crafters can donate a set or individual items. Donations should be placed in individual plastic-zip bags and dropped off in the Big Red Bin at the library.
Fall into Socktober
October 1-31
During the month of October, the Hunter Public Library will be accepting donations of NEW socks to be donated to Greene County Community Action in Catskill and distributed to the homeless in Greene County. We focus on socks because they are one of the most requested items. In addition to socks, we will also be accepting donations of the following items: soap, shampoo, tampons, wipes, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, can openers, and microwavable bowls.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Jula L. Butterfield Memorial Library
The Great Give Back Riverfront Cleanup
Saturday, October 16
9:00-11:00 am
Cold Spring Riverfront
For all ages
Join us to clean up trash along the riverfront from Dockside to West Point Foundry Preserve.
Please register: https://events.getlocalhop.com/the-great-give-back/event/CR8pwDUfeH/
Please wear gloves. We will supply bags, coffee, and doughnuts.
Putnam Humane Society Donation Drive
October 1-30
During the month of October, the Kent Library will be collecting donations to benefit the Putnam Humane Society. A donation bin, accessible 24/7, will be located on the library back porch all month long. For an updated list of desired items, visit the Putnam Humane Society wishlist page (http://www.puthumane.org/how-you-can-help/wish-list/). Please donate wishlist items ONLY.
Comfort Bags for Our Community Cares
September 15-October 16
All ages welcome
This year, we’re participating in The Great Giveback with all of the other Columbia County Libraries! Along with Our Community Cares, we’re gathering donations to make up comfort bags for cancer patients in our county. Drop off your donations in the bin in the library foyer anytime during library open hours. For hours and a list of acceptable donation items, check the list on our website: www.kinderhooklibrary.org
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Donation Drive & Social Media Initiative with HVARS
September 20 – October 16
Donations will be received in the library, but keep an eye on our social media for info about some furry friends up for adoption!
The LaGrange Association Library is partnering with the Hudson Valley Animal Rescue and Sanctuary for the Great Give Back this year for a donation drive and social media initiative to help gather supplies and encourage adoptions.
The Great Give Back Food Drive
October 1-31
As part of the Great Give Back this fall, the Marlboro Free Library will be collecting non-perishable food items during the month of October. All items will be donated to Marlboro’s local food pantry. Non-perishable, non-expired food items can be dropped off at the Library during open hours from October 1-31.
The mission of the Great Give Back is to provide a day of opportunities for patrons of public libraries in New York State to participate in meaningful, service-oriented experiences.
The Great Give Back Teen Food Drive
October 1-30
For ages 11-19
Teens can help teens during The Great Give Back!
Help provide food for Midway, a supervised transitional living program for adolescents aged 16- 21 who are homeless and in need of support. They provide crisis intervention, counseling, educational support, life skills training, and more.
These youth are often juggling school and work and don’t have a lot of time to cook or eat. That is where you can help! They are looking for healthy shelf-stable food that can be eaten on the go: for example, granola bars, fruit cups, apple sauce, and mixed nuts. As young people, you know what appeals to you! So load up on some of your favorite healthy snacks that can be eaten on the go and donate them at the Millbrook Library.
Great Give Back – Grace Immigrant Outreach
October 1-30
The library is partnering with Grace Immigrant Outreach for a food drive to benefit the La Mesa Food Distribution site that primarily serves our Hispanic community. We will be collecting donations throughout the month. This is a culturally informed food drive so please review the list of needed foods below and bring them by the library for collection! Thanks for giving back to the community!
Food List: Maseca, Dry beans, Canned beans, Fruits (canned and fresh), Vegetables (Canned and Fresh), Rice, Pasta, Vegetable oil, Cereal (cold and hot), Oatmeal, Soup, Juice (Canned and Frozen), Herbs/Spices
A Good Yarn – Millbrook Fiber Arts Club Knitting for The Linus Project
October 18-25
For all ages
For the month of October as part of the Great Give Back, the knitting group will be creating no sew fleece blankets for the Dutchess Putnam Chapter of The Linus Project, which donates blankets to children in hospital and other causes.
Pre-teens, teens, and adults come on down to the library for our knitting club — all fabric arts from crochet to embroidery welcome! You can even drag in a sewing machine. This is an informal club chance to work on projects and chat with community members, but there will also be experienced knitters on hand to help instruct any newcomers hoping to pick up a relaxing hobby. The library will provide basic materials (yarn and needles) to those without any.
This group will meet either in the Bennett Room or on the porch depending on the weather. Please reach out with any questions!
Registration preferred.
Milton Library – Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Morton Memorial Library & Community House
Milkweed Marathon
October 16
10:00 am-2:00 pm
Multiple locations: Morton, Rhinecliff dock, Staatsburg Library, solar farm, Burger Hill
Help us plant a pollinator pathway and monarch waystations as we celebrate with a Milkweed Marathon. We will be planting milkweed at the Staatsburg and Morton/Rhinecliff Libraries, a local solar farm, and will then complete our adventure with a great milkweed release at Burger Hill.
We will be looking for volunteers at the various sites. Registration at the Staatsburg Library and Morton Memorial Library in Rhinecliff. Registration is requested to allow for social distancing.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Our Community Cares
September 15 – October 16
From September 15, to October 16, 2021 the North Chatham Free Library and the Columbia County Libraries are collecting items for cancer patients in partnership with Our Community Cares. There is a drop off box inside the library for Comfort items.
Oblong Books, Webutuck Teachers’ Association and NorthEast-Millerton Library Clothing, Toy and School Supplies Giveaway
Saturday, October 16
10:00 am-12:00 pm
For ages 0-18 and caregiver
The Library will be hosting its 3rd Annual Great Give Back Event in partnership with the Webutuck Teachers’ Association and Oblong Books.
Community members are invited to come to the Library between Saturday, October 16, 10 AM – 12 PM to pick up free clothing, toys and household goods, provided by the Webutuck Teachers’ Association.
Free books will also be available, provided by Oblong Books.
A limited number of brand new school supplies and winter gear may be available, courtesy of donations from community members.
Items will be given away in the Library’s back yard. Masks are suggested but not required.
Guidelines for donating and inclement weather
1) We ARE NOT accepting donations of clothing, toys, household goods or books from the public. No exceptions can be made on this.
We ARE accepting new school supplies and winter items: please go to the shopping lists below or call the Library for more information*
School Supplies:
Winter Gear:
2) In the event of inclement weather, the event will be held in the Library Annex, and masks will be required for all children and adults ages 2 and up
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Halloween Fall Fest
Saturday, October 23
10:00 am-1:30 pm
For all ages
Join us for our fantastic Halloween Fall Fest on our beautiful grounds. Enjoy wonderful music, food, a costume Halloween Hunt for prizes for the little ones and free pumpkins from our spooky pumpkin patch. We are asking for a suggested donation of a can of food for our local Food Pantry from attendees. *Donation not required.
We ask that children be registered to attend the Halloween Hunt Halloween Hunt
Saturday, October 23
Ages up to 7 @ 10:30 AM
Ages 8 and up @ 11:30 AM
Register at www.pattersonlibrary.org and click on calendar
The Great Give Back: Helping Our Community
October 1-15
The Pawling library is partnering with our friends at the Pawling Resource Center who are in need of your help.
They are especially in need of the products listed below.
We are asking that you please donate whatever items you can to our library. Donations will be accepted from Friday, October 1, until Friday, October 15.
Items needed:
Toiletries – shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, deodorant
Paper products – toilet paper, tissues, paper towels
Baby diapers and wipes
Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
“Thank You to Our Community Helpers” Cards and Letters Drive
Saturday, October 16
10:00 am-2:00 pm
For all ages – adults, teens and children
We are so fortunate that there are so many people who are helpers in our “Thank You to Our Community Helpers” Cards and Letters Drive
Saturday, October 16
10:00 am-2:00 pm
For all ages – adults, teens and children
We are so fortunate that there are so many people who are helpers in our community – especially during these “scary” times of the past couple of years. Medical workers, first responders, firefighters, teachers, postal workers, veterans and more have done so much to help out in so many ways.
For this year’s Great Give Back, we’d like to thank the helpers in our community by creating Thank You cards and letters to send to them. We hope you’ll join us at the Pleasant Valley Library on Saturday, October 16th, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, to write or make cards and letters with messages of gratitude for everything they do.
We will provide all needed materials – blank cards and letter paper, mailing envelopes with addresses and stamps, pens, pencils, markers, and more. Just come on in and bring your thoughts of thanks for your favorite helpers in our area!
*This Great Give Back program is for all ages and abilities. Registration is not required – patrons can just walk in during library hours
Poughkeepsie Public Library District
The Great Give Back to Benefit DCSPCA
October 18 – November 12
This year, the Library District has partnered with DCSPCA as part of the annual Great Give Back (a state-wide public library event) to collect much-needed food and supplies for the animals in their care. Donation bins will be available at both library locations during library hours.
Did you know that the DCSPCA:
- Is not affiliated with ASPCA and is its own independent nonprofit.
- Relies solely on donations from the community.
- Is a no-kill shelter, meaning they will never euthanize an animal due to lack of space.
- Is the only shelter in Dutchess County chartered to enforce the Humane Law.
- Works with Grace Smith House to help the pets of victims of domestic violence.
Click here for a full list of items needed.
Learn more at dcspca.org
Donate to Local Animal Shelters
October 1-16
As part of the Great Give Back, the library is collecting items for Two local shelters. Donation boxes are by our side door.
Items accepted at both locations are listed on our website at putnamvalleylibrary.org.
Committee Sampler
Saturday, October 23
10:30 am-12:00 pm
For adults
Weather permitting the program will be on the front lawn of the library. Otherwise it will be in the Parish Hall at St Paul’s Lutheran Church one block south of the library.
Meet and learn from members of municipal committees. Find out what they do and whether joining a Town or Village committee might be something you’d enjoy. There’s committees on parks and trails, conservation, community events, human relations, communication and a lot more!
Registration is not required.
The Great Give Back to the Women’s Resource Center
October 1-31
The Great Give Back to the Women’s Resource Center
Roeliff Jansen Community Library
Our Community Cares Drive
September 15 – October 16
The Roeliff Jansen Community Library, in collaboration with other Columbia County libraries, will be collecting items for Our Community Cares, which is making bags for cancer survivors.
Items requested will be posted on the library website, and collection will run from September 15 to October 16.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Help the Saugerties Animal Shelter!
October 1-16
Grace Smith House Donation Drive
October 1-30
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Stanford Free Library is collecting personal hygiene items, infant & toddler care items, and other items to be donated to Grace Smith House. Please see our website (stanfordlibrary.org) for a full list items needed.
Registration is not required. Please see our website (stanfordlibrary.org) for a full list of items needed. Items may be dropped off at the library from October 1st through October 30th during our open hours.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Food & Supply Drive for People & Pets
Saturday, October 23
10:00 am-1:00 pm
For all ages
Food & Supply Drive for People & Pets!
Needed for People: Shelf-stable food (coffee, cereal, prepared canned meals, etc.) and personal care items (soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) to benefit Red Hook Responds (redhookresponds.org).
Needed for Pets: Unopened dog & cat food, pee-pads, treats, toys, etc. to benefit Perfect Pets Rescue (perfectpetsrescue.org).
Prizes! Raffle fundraiser to benefit both organizations.
Perfect Pets Dog Ambassadors will be there to cuddle with and human ambassadors from both organizations will be there with information.
Can’t make it to the event? Bring your donations to the Tivoli Free Library by October 23rd. Call the library at 845-757-3771 for information.
Free coffee & donuts for all attendees while supplies last!
The Great Give Back Pet Food Drive
September 22 – October 18
The Town of Ulster Public Library will be collecting new pet food items for the Ulster County SPCA from Wednesday, September 22, 2021 through Monday, October 18, 2021. You can drop off the items during business hours. There will be a box inside the entrance of the library. We will also be donating homemade cat and dog toys that the children and adults from the library will be making.
The Town of Ulster Public Library will be collecting new pet food items for the Ulster County SPCA from Wednesday, September 22, 2021 through Monday, October 18, 2021. You can drop off the items during business hours. There will be a box inside the entrance of the library. We will also be donating homemade cat and dog toys that the children and adults from the library will be making.
Comfort Bags for Columbia County Cancer Patients
September 15 – October 16
The Valatie Free Library is collecting items for comfort bags to be distributed to patients in Columbia County cancer treatments centers by Our Community Cares Columbia County. Also part of this project will be a card-making workshop on Wednesday, October 6th to make cards to be included in the comfort bags.
Ulster County Food Fight (scroll to top of page for details)
Local Food Drive
September 1 – October 17
The Beekman Library will be collecting food donations from September 1st through October 17th. All items will be donated to the St. Vincent dePaul food pantry to support local families in need. Visit www.beekmanlibrary.org for more information.
Items to donate
Canned: Progresso/Chunky Soups, Tuna, Rice, Pasta Sides, Salt & Pepper, Mayo, Ketchup, Mustard
Dessert Mixes: Brownie, Cake, Muffin, Jello, Pudding
Household: Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Laundry Detergent, Toothpaste,
Tooth Brushes, Deodorant Men & Women, Shampoo
Great Give Back: Food Drive for Fishkill Food Pantry
October 1 – November 18
Blodgett Memorial Library will be holding a food drive for the Fishkill Food Pantry. Beginning Thursday, October 1st, 2020 and ending Wednesday, November 18th, any person that contributes at minimum one non-perishable food item, will be entered into a raffle. The winning raffle ticket will win food for a Thanksgiving Dinner for a family of four. The bin for the food drive will be in front of our circulation desk. If you donate at least one non-perishable item and wish to be entered into the raffle, please go to the circulation desk and a staff member will give you your raffle ticket. Thank you to all participants and our wonderful Fishkill community!
The Great Give Back Food Drive
September 1 – October 17
The Brewster Public Library will be participating in The Great Give Back 2020 by collecting food for the local food pantry. From September 1st to October 17th, patrons are encouraged to drop off non-perishable items when they pick up library materials.
Food Drive
October 1 – 31
Philipstown Food Pantry Food Drive! Drop your donations off at one of our many containers throughout Philipstown.
Food for Thought
October 2 – December 25
Food for Thought is a coordinated effort between the Cairo Library, the Greene County Office for the Aging Meals on Wheels program, and some local Quilters’ Guild members of the Cairo Piecemakers. The Library is giving away reading material, puzzles, and information on various topics and the Piecemakers group is providing hand sewn tote bags. They are delivered by the Meals on Wheels volunteers who also pass on to the library any requests. Anyone who lives in Cairo and participates in the Meals on Wheels program is eligible to participate.
Food Drive
September 8 – October 31
The Chatham Public Library is pleased to host its first Food Drive, as part of the Great Giveback Program sponsored by the Mid Hudson Library System.
Donated items will benefit the Ghent Food Pantry and the Chatham Silent Pantry.
Items may be dropped off at the lower level of the Chatham Public library, 11 Woodbridge Avenue, Chatham, NY through October 31st, 2020. All shelf stable, non-expired items are welcome, in addition to selected other products, such as diapers, cleaning supplies, pet food and paper goods. Samples and travel sized products, (such as soaps and shampoos) in their original wrapped condition, are also welcome. A list of items that are specifically requested may be found on http://chatham.lib.ny.us/.
Food for Local Food Pantries
October 1 – December 31
We will be collecting food for local food pantries throughout the fall and the holiday season.
Food for local pantries, Coats for local shelters
October 5 – December 31
On October 17, 2020 libraries from across the Hudson Valley will be participating in The Great Give Back, a state-wide initiative to provide a day of opportunities for library patrons to participate in meaningful community service experiences.
This year the Claverack Free Library will be collecting donations of shelf-stable, unexpired food items to benefit local food pantries in our area.
We will also be collecting donations of clean, gently used winter coats to be distributed to various shelters nearby.
During library hours, food items can be placed in designated food bins. Coats must be in plastic bags and placed in the designated coat bins.
The Great Give Back
October 1- 17
Every October, public libraries across NY State encourage their patrons to give back to their local community through the Great Give Back event. This year, Clinton Community Library will collect pet food and supplies for animals in need on behalf of the Dutchess County SPCA. Please stop by the library or visit the library’s website for the DCSPCA wish list. Donations can be dropped off anytime the library is open from October 1st to October 17th.
Riverkeeper Sweep – Garrison Landing
October 17
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
For ages 8 – adult
Meet at the Library to pick up your grab and go trash bags and gloves before heading to the nearby Garrison Landing.
The Desmond-Fish Public Library is partnering with Riverkeeper to host a River Sweep at the Garrison Landing. Registration is required at https://www.riverkeeper.org/news-events/events/9th-annual-riverkeeper-sweep/
East Fishkill Community Library
Food Drive
October 1 – 31
The Library is encouraging food donations to be distributed to local food pantries. Be generous – it’s the best way to get back at 2020.
Elting Memorial Library
Ulster County Library Association “Food Fight”
October 1 – 17
The Library is encouraging food donations to be distributed to local food pantries. Be generous – it’s the best way to get back at 2020.
Close the Book on Hunger
October 1 – 17
Patrons are encouraged to drop off non-perishables at the Library.
Food in Lieu of Fines for the Food Pantry
September 24 – October 17
Do have library fines? You can have Heermance Memorial Library fines forgiven by brining in something for the Coxsackie Food Pantry. Here’s your opportunity! We’ll remove them. For every item brought in, we will waive $5 from your record. It’s not for library fines from other libraries, or for billed items, we can only forgive our own library’s fines. You’ll bring in a few things for the food pantry, bring your overdue books back and we’ll be all squared up. All food donations are accepted, if you want to drop off items for the Food Pantry, please check expiration dates, no old outdate items, please. It’s a good cause, we welcome your donations. Please drop off during our current open library hours. See our website for details: heermancelibrary.org.
Stitchin’ for the Kitchen
October 1 – November 13
Stichin’ for the Kitchen
A Community Hat and Scarf Drive for Beacon Community Kitchen and Fareground
Get out your hooks and needles to warm the heads and necks of our neighbors while the Beacon Community Kitchen and Fareground warms their bellies. Between October 1st and November 13th, the Howland Public Library is asking community members to donate new, hand-made, hats and scarves for distribution through Beacon Community Kitchen and Fareground. Donated creations should be placed in individual zipper seal bags with the sized indicated and placed in the Big Red Bin at the library.
Great Give Back: Supporting the Women’s Resource Center of Putnam/Northern Westchester Counties
October 1 – 17
From October 1st through October 17th, the Kent Public Library will be collecting donations in support of the Women’s Resource Center of Putnam/Northern Westchester Counties. Physical items from the wishlist can be dropped off in a designated donation bin at the Kent Library during regular curbside-pickup hours. Items can also be purchased from an Amazon wish list provided by the Women’s Resource Center. For complete details, visit the Kent Library website (kentlibrary.org) or call 845-225-8585. ALL DONATED ITEMS MUST BE NEW. Donations of new materials will be accepted from Kent and non-Kent residents. No registration is required.
Food Fight
October 1-17
2020 has been a tough year, to say the least. As a way to
lift our spirits, let’s all work together to help our neighbors and
those in need by fighting food scarcity! This year, we are once again
participating in The Great Giveback, a chance for public libraries
to rally their communities to help each other. We’re collecting
non-perishable food donations from October 1-October 17, the day
of the official Great Give Back. A box will be located outside the
Library front door for accepting food items. Donations will go to
our local food pantries and families in need. Giving back has never
felt so good!
Dreaming of a Chance Chicken Sponsor Drive
September 17 – October 17
This program is completely virtual and will be done on our social media sites – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The site to donate is dreamingofachance.com; links will be provided
For all ages
Help the chickens in your community! Farms in the Hudson Valley have been hit hard in the wake of COVID-19, so let’s do our part and chip in! The Dreaming of a Chance Farm Animal Sanctuary is part of the Lilymoore Alpaca Farm in northern LaGrange, and they could use our help. Follow the sponsor drive on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to meet four special chickens and choose one (or more!) to sponsor. The chicken with the most sponsorships on October 17th will be crowned the King or Queen of the Chickens, and the human who donated the most will win a giant chicken plushie! All donations go towards the care of the wonderful animals at the sanctuary. Find out more at dreamingofachance.com.
Registration not required
Food and Flag Collection
October 17
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Adult Garden at Mahopac Public Library (outdoor event)
all ages
Mahopac Public Library is partnering with local girl and boy scout troops to hold a food and flag collection event on the day of The Great Give Back – October 17. Donations of non-perishable food items will be contributed to a local food pantry; damaged American flags will be collected and delivered to the VFW or American Legion for proper disposal.
Registration is not required; participation is not restricted.
The Great Give Back Food Drive
October 5 – 17
As part of the Great Give Back this fall, libraries all over New York State will be connecting patrons with opportunities to help their neighbors through donation drives, environmental clean-up events, and other community service projects. Given the rise in food insecurity in our community over the past 6 months, as part of the Great Give Back, the Marlboro Free Library will be focusing on collecting and distributing food to help feed our neighbors from October 5 to October 17. All items will be donated to Marlboro’s local food pantry at St. Mary’s Parish, who will distribute donations to the people in need in our community. The Great Give Back helps highlight some of the changing ways our library helps support our community every day. We’re stronger together, and any contribution you can make to this food drive helps.
If you’d like to help, you can drop off nonperishable, non-expired food items at the Library from October 5 to October 17 during in-library and curbside hours. Please check our website for updated hours, as they are subject to change.
Kind Cards for Seniors
October 1 – 17
for ages 3-17
Come to the library between October 1st and October 17 and decorate a card for the residents of the Fountains. We will have cards and supplies available in our children’s room. These cards will go to long term residents at the Fountains, a local retirement community.
No registration required, just drop by.
The Great Give Back Food Drive
October 1 – 31
The Millbrook Library will be collecting donations of non-perishable food for the Lyall Memorial Federated Church Food Pantry. Donations will be collected through the month of October. Help us fight hunger and food insecurity in our community!
Morton Memorial Library & Community House
Riverkeeper Sweep
October 17
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
at Rhinecliff Dock
For all ages
Our community led by Morton Memorial Library, Backyard to Table, and the Rhinebeck Grange 896 have proposed a river sweep cleanup, and planting at the Rhinecliff dock.
Registration is required and restricted to district residents to make sure that we can accommodate the proper social distancing and number of volunteers allowed during the pandemic.
Mid-Hudson Library System “Food Fight”
October 1 – 17
Help Morton win the Food Fight with your donations of non-perishable (and non-expired) food items for local food pantries. Sounds like a messy fight, but this is a clean competition with other libraries in the Mid-Hudson Library System.
Please bring food items to Morton for us to donate to the Church of the Messiah and Dutch Reformed Church in Rhinebeck.
We have a lot of programs, and we suggest food as your admission price. When you visit the library, simply put your non-perishable items in the containers. If you have overdue fines on your record but food items in your hand, let’s talk!
Thanks for your help in this worthy fight!
Food Pantry Donation Drop off
September 10
We are collecting non-perishable foods and toiletries items for the local food pantry on an on-going basis.
Red Cross Blood Drive
October 9
10:00 am – 3:00 pm
For 18 & up
Help save a life, donate blood. Donors will also have the blood tested for COVID-19 antibodies and will be notified of the results.
Ulster County Food Fight
October 1 – 17
Food Fight is a food collection contest held in cooperation with numerous libraries throughout Ulster County from October 1 to October 17. The “Food Fight” is part
of the Great Give Back that is happening on October 17 throughout New York State.
Senior Grab -N- Go Breakfast
October 17 – 24
10:00 am – 11:00 am
For seniors
Patterson seniors are welcome to an on the go breakfast curbside. Drive in and get a to go bagged breakfast. Registration is required.
Make Masks and Save Lives
October 3-10
Please note: Our mask making program has been ongoing since June. Participants work at home donating their time and materials. There is no set date and time for the program, which had to be indicated in this form. For the date and time, we would use the term “ongoing.” Also, this is not an actual virtual or grab-and-go program. We were uncertain how to classify this program and listed it as being virtual.
The Pawling Library is partnering with our friends at the Pawling Resource Center for The Great Give Back, a day in which libraries offer our patrons the opportunity to help people in their community.
To assist those during the pandemic we are asking for volunteers to donate their time and talent to make protective cloth face masks. There is not a set amount of masks we ask you to make; a few or many are equally welcomed.
Normally, our programs are conducted at the library but this is not possible until a vaccine for Covid-19 is made available. We so very much appreciate your generosity and compassion and thank you for safely working from home. Donated masks will be distributed by the Pawling Resource Center.
Finished cloth masks can be inserted into ziplock bags and either placed in our book drop bin or delivered in person at the circulation desk up until Saturday, October 3. Please include your name and contact information in the bag, along with the masks.
They will be donated to the Pawling Resource Center on Saturday, October 10.
For those interested making cloth masks, please contact Donald at adult@pawlinglibrary.org.
NOTE: If you would prefer to purchase face masks to donate, you may do this as well.
Thank you so very much.
The Pawling Resource Center is located at 126 East Main Street, in the carriage house of the John Kane House. Phone: 845-855-3459.
See the link below for directions on how to sew a face mask.
For those who would like to make or donate masks: please contact Donald, our Adult Program Coordinator, at adult@pawlinglibrary.org. Registration is not required. This program is offered to people in Pawling and nearby communities.
Adoption Day With Everlasting Hope Animal Rescue
October 17
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
For all ages
The Philmont Public Library will be hosting an adoption day with Everlasting Hope Animal Rescue of Hillsdale, NY. Come and play with some amazing pets that are looking for their forever homes! No registration is required. No restrictions.
Everlasting Hope Animal Rescue Donation Collection
October 1 – 31
The Philmont Public Library will be collecting donations (pet food, toys, cat litter, etc.) for Everlasting Hope Animal Rescue of Hillsdale, NY during the month of October. No registration. No restrictions
Ulster Food Fight
October 1 – 17
The community is invited to drop off non perishable foods and toiletries during curb side hours at the library.
Willow Roots Food Drive
October 5 – November 25
For the Great Give Back, we will be taking donations of dry and canned goods for Willow Roots Food Pantry here in Pine Plains. No registration required. Dry and canned goods will be accepted any time we’re open between October 5th and November 25th.
Ulster County Food FIght
October 1 – 17
Donate non-perishable food items at the library for local pantries. The common goal is to “spread food all over Ulster County” by filling up the shelves of local food pantries and to putting an end to hunger in our communities.
Food Fight!
October 1 – 17
The Pleasant Valley Library will be joining many of its fellow libraries in the county in a friendly competition to collect the most food donations for its local food pantry. We will have a collection box in the library and on October 19th when we close at 6 we will count up and report the donated items and bring them over to our local food panty down the road.
Coat Drive
October 1 – 17
The library is partnering with Dutchess Outreach to collect Winter Coats (and hats, scarves etc) for residents.
Canned Food Drive
October 1 – 17
The library will be collecting Non-perishable food and personal hygiene items items to then be donated to our local food pantry.
Book Drive for the Red Hook Residential Center
October 1 – 20
Red Hook Residential Center serves youth ages 12 – 18 who have been placed at the OCFS campus by the NYS Family Courts. The library is collecting new and like new books from a list of requested titles created by residents and educators. See the list on Red Hook Public Library’s blog or email Amy@redhooklibrary.org for a copy. Bring donated books to the library during open hours. Contactless drop-off options are also available.
Collections for the Women’s Resource Center
We are collecting items and gift cards to support the Women’s Resource Center.
Roeliff Jansen Community Library
Roe Jan Kill and Park Clean Up
October 17
1:00 – 4:00 pm
at Roe Jan Park and Roe Jan Library
For all ages
The Roe Jan Library is partnering with libraries throughout New York State for a day of giving back to the community and with Riverkeepers, which is a Great Giveback partner for 2020, to clean up the Roe Jan Kill and Roe Jan Park. Come prepared to get dirty! Rubber boots, even hip waders, encouraged, if you have them. We will be clearing the Roe Jan Kill of debris and cleaning up the surrounding park land in order to keep our rivers clean. Call the library to register.
Ulster County Food Fight
October 1 – 17
We are collecting food for the Rosendale Food Pantry. Please bring non-perishable, non-expired food items to the bin at the library during normal library hours. Our goal is to fill the pantry shelves with wholesome food for members of our community experiencing food insecurity.
Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library
School Supply Drive
Sepbember 8 – October 30
The Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library (the Milton Library) is collecting specific school supplies most needed by families as they attend Marlboro Elementary School on-line. The library asks community members to bolster the learning process with their donations of new supplies. In 2020, the library is requesting items that teachers believe will be most needed by families with young learners, especially those starting school for the first time:
Crayons Expo markers Sheet protectors
Scissors (primary) Pencils Two-color counting disks
PlayDoh – small individual containers
The School Supply Drive runs from after Labor Day through October. Donors are asked to bring supplies inside the library building during browsing hours: Monday through Friday, 1:30 to 6:30. Donations should not be put in the outside drop-box (crayons and PlayDoh, for instance, melt).
Be Paw-some
October 1 – 17
Every October, public libraries across NY State encourage their
communities to engage with each other through volunteering with The Great Give Back. This year, we are partnering with The Saugerties Animal Shelter to fill their shelves.
From October 1 to October 17, please drop off at the library:
cat food, cat litter, bedding, sheets, towels, blankets, cat & dog toys, paper towels, wipes.
Alternately, consider a monetary donation.
Close the Book on Hunger Food Drive: A Project of the 2020 Great Give Back to Benefit the Food Pantry at the Stanford Grange
October 1 – 17
Please join the Stanford Free Library as we collect food to help support the Food Pantry at the Stanford Grange. Non-perishable food items may be dropped off at the library during out open hours (Monday and Wednesday 9:00am – 12:00pm and 2:00pm – 8:00pm, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 2:00pm – 8:00pm, and Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm)
Feeding Rhinebeck Food Drive
September 21 – October 17
As our local food pantries have put out a call for more help, we hope to gather supplies for their shelves. Please drop-off items in the designated box located in our lobby.
Most requested items include Pasta sauce, Chickpeas, white and black beans, Brown rice, Peanut butter, Water packed canned white meat tuna and white meat chicken breast, Cereal/Oatmeal.
Hygiene Items include Toothbrushes, Toothpaste and Laundry detergent.
The Cannes Food Festival
September 28 – October 17
Join us for this fall’s “Cannes Food Festival” canned food drive at the Tivoli Free Library. For every item donated, your name will be entered into our raffle to win a Cannes Film Festival award winning movie DVD. The more donations made, the greater your chance to win! Canned and shelf stable donations will be accepted at the library during open hours. In partnership with Red Hook Responds, all proceeds benefit the The Local Food Exchange: providing food and personal care items to regional food pantries. Registration is not required.
The Great Give Back Food Drive
October 17
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
For all ages
Please help the Town of Ulster Public Library collect food items for the community. Drop off donations at the table in the library’s parking lot. All items will be delivered and donated to People’s Place.
Share with the Community! Donate to the Valatie Food Pantry at the Valatie Free Library!
October 12 – 17
For adults and kids
The Valatie Free Library will coordinate a community drive to assist the Valatie Food Pantry in providing food and personal supplies for community members in need of them. Registration is not required. Any community member or other individual or group is welcome to help by bringing non-perishable food, paper products or toiletries to the Valatie Free Library during the week of October 12 through October 17, 2020. Monetary donations are also appreciated. The Library will provide envelopes and stamps for mailing. Library Staff and Volunteers will deliver supplies to the Food Pantry.
Woodstock Public Library District
Food Drive for the Table
October 1 – 17
Collecting food and personal hygiene items for The Table in Woodstock, NY. Food insecurity is a growing problem that has been exacerbated by the Pandemic.