Mid-Hudson Library System
Public libraries of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnam and Ulster Counties

In the coming months the libraries from the Mid-Hudson Library System that will be participating in The Great Give Back 2024 will be listed here! Check back often for updates; details about programs will begin to be shared around the beginning of September. Please contact libraries directly for questions regarding offered programming.
Click here to view past GGB events from the Mid-Hudson Library System.
Redhawk Arts Council Native American Heritage Program
November 9th from 1:00PM – 2:30PM
Join us as we celebrate Native American History Month. The Redhawk Indigenous Arts Council will present a program that includes traditional dances and stories that engage while educating participants about Native American history and current cultural practices. THIS IS AN INTERGENERATIONAL PROGRAM. ALL AGES WELCOME.
Registration for this event opens Saturday, October 5 at 9:00 AM. Registration required. While this program is open to everyone, priority is given to Beekman residents.
Great Give Back Collection for United for the Troops
September 23rd – October 19th
This year we will are happy to announce we will be a drop off location for United for the Troops to collect snacks, toiletries, and sundries. Please NO glass, aerosol or air injected bags (i.e. chip bags). For more specific needs please visit https://unitedforthetroops.org/wish-list/
No registration required or restrictions apply
October 1st – 31st
The Chatham Public Library will be supporting AnimalKind from October 1 through October 31st, 2024. Animalkind is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) animal welfare organization and shelter based in Hudson, NY, working to strengthen the natural bond between humans and animals with programs and services to enhance the well-being of all.
Both in-kind and monetary donations are accepted. AnimalKind also has wishlists on Chewy and Amazon and donations can be made directly to the organization via their website:https://www.animalkindny.org/donate. The library thanks you for your support of this program.
Registration not required.
Learn About Wildlife Rehabilitation – and meet an Opossum
October 19th from 2:00PM – 3:30PM
This year we are giving back to nature, and particularly our local wildlife! We are thrilled to welcome licensed New York State wildlife rehabilitator Maggie Ciarcia-Belloni to teach us what to do if we encounter an injured or potentially orphaned wild animal. Maggie has been a rehabilitator for 27 years, specializing in small mammals, game birds, and especially opossums. You will get to discover what to do if you find wildlife, how to potentially become a wildlife rehabilitator yourself, and meet an opossum, North America’s only marsupial!
To support the work of our local wildlife rehabilitators, we will be collecting in-kind donations all month long! Visit desmondfishlibrary.org for details.
Registration required.
Dutchess Libraries Care: Pantry & Personal Care Drive
October 1st – November 1st
As part of the Dutchess County Library Association’s Dutchess Libraries Care program, Dover Plains Library will be collecting pantry and personal care items in the month of October. Items will stock the library’s new Community Pantry where people are welcome to come take items they need from the new cupboard in the lobby.
No registration required. Simply drop off non-expired pantry items or personal care such as deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.
Halloween Costume Swap!
September 23rd – October 19th
Are your closets haunted by Halloween costumes your family has outgrown? Drop off Halloween costume or dress-up items at the library between Sept 23 and Oct 16. On Saturday, October 19 the library invites anyone who wants a new-to-them costume to come 10:30 – 12:30.
No registration required.
Costumes must be clean.
Pet Supply Drive
October 1st – 19th
The D.R. Evarts Library is partnering with the Greene County Library Association to collect much needed pet supplies for local shelters. Items can be dropped off at the library during open hours from October 1st through 19th.
Registration is not required, anyone can donate.
East Fishkill Community Library
Great Give Back: Toiletries Drive
October 1st – 31st
We are collecting personal hygiene items for all ages to be distributed by our local food pantry. Items may be brought in to the library any time we are open for the month of October.
Registration is not required.
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 19th
As part of the Great Give Back, Ulster County libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities.
Drop off non perishable food donations at Elting Memorial Library, 93 Main Street, New Paltz, whenever the library is open. https://www.eltinglibrary.org
Pet-Supply Drive For Greene County Animal Rescue Efforts!
September 3rd – October 19th
We will be collecting much needed pet supplies to give to Local Rescue Organizations. We are partnering with the Greene County Library Association. Items can be dropped off during our open hours. Thank you!
No registration required. All ages.
October 1st – 31st
Bring NEW socks, still in the packaging, to the library any time during the month of October.
The library will deliver them to the Community Action of Greene County to be distributed to the homeless and to women’s shelters in Greene County.
Registration is Not Required.
Dutchess County SPCA Donations
September 6th – October 19th
The Hyde Park Library is collecting supplies for the Dutchess County SPCA. Unopened dog and cat kibble, towels, sheets, and other supplies can be dropped off at the library – we’ll deliver them to the SPCA. A complete list of items that are needed can be found at https://www.dcspca.org/donations.
Registration is not required. If you’d like to donate supplies, just stop by the library with them during our regular business hours.
Julia L. Butterfield Memorial Library
Healthy Families Donations
October 1st -31st
During the month of October, the Kent Public Library will be collecting new baby clothes, diapers and wipes for Healthy Families Putnam County.
All Ages. No registration required.
Hatsgiving Donation Drive
October 1st – November 1st
This October, the Kinderhook Library will be collecting new and handmade hats for Hatsgiving! This not-for-profit matches donated hats with pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
No registration required.
Hudson River Housing Collection Drive
October 1st – 26th
The LaGrange Association Library is hosting a collection drive to benefit Hudson River Housing. Hudson River Housing, a local nonprofit organization, is committed to building and strengthening Dutchess County by providing and preserving affordable and quality housing. The library will be collecting donations in the form of cleaning supplies, home goods, toiletries, child & infant care, etc.
No registration is required for the collection drive, and everyone is welcome to donate. Donations will be accepted from October 1-26th. For a detailed list of items we are looking for, please visit our website or social media pages.
This is our 3rd year working with Hudson River Housing during the Great Give Back.
The Great Give Back Community Food Drive
September 1st – October 19th
The Great Community Give Back, held on October 19, is a day of participation in meaningful, service-oriented experiences. In celebration of this day, the Marlboro Free Library will be partnering with other Ulster County libraries to collect non-perishable food items from September 1-October 19. Items dropped off at the Library will be donated to the town’s local food pantry in time for the holidays.
All Ages. No registration required.
Susan DeKeukelaere Memorial Coat Drive
October 1st – 31st
This year, we are partnering with Dutchess Outreach and collecting winter coats for the Susan DeKeukelaere Memorial Coat Drive. Please donate clean, gently used coats for all sizes and ages! Coats can be dropped off at the library circulation desk from October 1st till October 31st.
Morton Memorial Library & Community House
Pet Adoption Day & Supply Drive
October 19th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
A Day of Adoption, Awareness, and Advocacy! Local Agencies Have Been Working Hard to Rescue Wildlife & Build An Animal Shelter in Greene County. Come Learn About These Efforts at This Free, Fun, Family Event! Adoptions Hosted by Precious Pound Pups (Hillsdale, NY). For Adoption Info, Email: PreciousPoundPups@yahoo.com. Drop off Pet Supplies Any Time Before or On October 19th.
Greene County Public Health will be running a FREE Rabies Clinic off-site in collaboration with Mountain Top Library from 11am-1pm. Pre-Register @518-719-3600
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 19th
As part of the Great Give Back, Ulster County Libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities. Bring your donations to the library!
No registration is required. Multi library collection within Ulster County.
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 19th
The library is collecting donations of non-expired pantry foods for distribution to Onteora School families through The Table in Boiceville.
No registration required.
Food Fight
September 3rd – October 19th
Food Fight (donations)
No registration required
Pleasant Valley Library Community Food Drive
October 1st – 19th
Pleasant Valley Free Library will be collecting donations of non-perishable foods, cooking staples, and baby foods during the Great Give Back, as part of the “Dutchess Libraries Care” food drive. Participants can bring in donations any time during our library hours (Mondays-Thursdays 10:00am-8:00pm, Fridays 12:00-6:00pm, and Saturdays 10:00am-2:00pm). We will divide donations evenly between the two food pantries in Pleasant Valley. On the day of the Great Give Back, Saturday, October 19th, during our library hours from 10:00am to 2:00pm, we welcome patrons and local residents to come in and help to sort the donations that we will then deliver to the food pantries the following week.
No registration required. Everyone is welcome to donate and participate.
We will divide donations evenly between the Pleasant Valley Food Pantry on Martin Road, and the food pantry at Church House of God and Doors to Heaven on Main Street.
United for the Troops Collection
October 1st – 31st
We are collecting items to be donated to women and men serving overseas via the group United for the Troops. A comprehensive listing of all the food and toiletries that they are collecting can be found at the following: https://unitedforthetroops.org/wish-list/
Anyone may donate to this cause.
Personal Care Items Drive
September 23rd – October 25th
Reed Memorial Library will be collecting donations of personal care items (deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) during the Great Give Back for Putnam Community Action Program (CAP). Participants can bring in donations any time during library hours (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00am-5:00pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00am-7:00pm, and Saturdays 10:00am-1:00pm). A list of items requested will be posted on our website and social media. No registration required. Everyone is welcome to participate.
Roeliff Jansen Community Library
October 1st – 30th
The Roeliff Jansen Community Library, in conjunction with the other libraries in Columbia County, will be collecting new, soft hats (store-bought or handmade) sizes newborn to adult during the month of October for Hatsgiving, a nonprofit who will distribute the new hats to pediatric cancer treatments centers around the country.
No registration required, anyone can participate
Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 19th
As part of the Great Give Back, the Milton library is participating in the Ulster County food collection contest. We will donate to local food pantries serving Milton and Marlboro.
Please drop off donations to Sarah Hull Hallock Free Library, 56-58 Main Street, Milton, NY 12547
Be Pawsome: Support the Saugerties Animal Shelter!
October 1st – 19th
Every October, public libraries across NY State encourage their communities to engage with each other through volunteering with The Great Give Back. This year, we are partnering with The Saugerties Animal Shelter to fill their shelves. Please drop off items at any of the library circulation desks.
No registration required.
Ulster County Food Fight to Benefit: The Hudson Valley National Center for Veteran Reintegration (HVNCVR)
September 1st – October 19th
Support your local veterans! The Town of Ulster Public Library will be collecting donations of non-perishable food and personal care items until October 19th. These items will be donated to the The Hudson Valley National Center for Veteran Reintegration (HVNCVR). Pop-top cans are preferred. Please contact the library for suggestions.
There is no registration for this event. Please visit the library’s website or call for more information. https://townofulsterlibrary.org/ 845-338-7881
Woodstock Public Library District
Ulster County Food Fight
September 1st – October 19th
As part of the Great Give Back, Ulster County libraries are holding a food collection contest. The common goal is to fill up the shelves of local food pantries and to put an end to hunger in our communities! We’re in it to win it for our community! Please help us with donations of canned/boxed foods and personal hygiene items. All donations will be equally shared with the Good Neighbor food pantry in Woodstock. Please no opened or expired food items.
Registration is not required