Finger Lakes Library System Archived Events
Public libraries of Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga and Tompkins Counties

Below are libraries in Finger Lakes Library System ibrary System that participated in past instances of The Great Give Back! Return to the previous page for information about what libraries will be participating in GGB this year. Please contact libraries directly for questions regarding offered programming.
Apalachin Library Sock Drive
October 2nd-21st from 10:00am-2:00pm
All ages
We’re putting out a call for new socks (in all sizes from infant to adult) to be collected for local charities.
Registration is not required, we will happily accept new socks from any donor who wishes to participate!
Giving Thanks for our Neighbors in the Southern Cayuga Community
October 2nd-21st
All ages
The two libraries located in the Southern Cayuga School District (Aurora and Hazard) will be supporting our neighbors through donations to the King Ferry Food Pantry. They have requested donations of pie filling and pudding mixes in addition to any monetary gifts in anticipation of the Thanksgiving holiday.
No registration required
Halloween Costume Swap
October 10th-24th
All ages
The Candor Free Library will be hosting a Halloween Costume Swap. Starting Tuesday, October 10th, people can drop off their clean, no-longer-needed, and/or outgrown Halloween costumes and accessories. The items can either be left in our lobby or given directly to us during the hours we’re open (which are listed on our website). Donations can be brought in until Saturday, October 14th. We’ll get everything sorted and organized so people can start “shopping” on Tuesday, October 17th through Tuesday, October 24th. Please know that you don’t have to donate a costume to be able to take one and any remaining items will be donated to another organization that can use them. Thank you for supporting this community project.
No registration required
Edith B. Ford Memorial Library
Nourish the Body, Warm the Heart
October 2nd-21st
All ages
We will collecting items to share with community members. Please donate non-perishable items for the local food pantry. We will also accept clean, gently used hats and gloves in good condition.
No registration required
Donation Drive for the SPCA of Tompkins County
September 26th – October 20th
All ages
As a library system, we are closed to the public so we are asking staff to donate items from the SPCA’s “Urgently Needed Items” list. If a member of the public would like to donate, they can email
No registration required
Giving Thanks for our Neighbors in the Southern Cayuga Community
October 2nd-21st
All ages
The two libraries located in the Southern Cayuga School District (Aurora and Hazard) will be supporting our neighbors through donations to the King Ferry Food Pantry. They have requested donations of pie filling and pudding mixes in addition to any monetary gifts in anticipation of the Thanksgiving holiday.
No registration required
Clothes for Kids
October 1st-30th from 1:00-7:00pm
We will be taking donations of new clothing for the nurse at Cincinnatus Central School District.
Call the library for suggested items and sizes 607-863-4300
Call the library for suggested items and sizes 607-863-4300
The Great Give Back
October 2nd-28th
All ages
The Lamont Memorial Free Library will be holding two collection drives during the month of October. The first drive is personal care items for the McGraw Community Food Pantry. The list of requested items can be found on the library’s website,
The second drive is hats and mittens for CAPCO Family Essentials. These items can be store bought or homemade.
Donations to either of these drives can be made during library hours.
No registration required
Be a HERO and support the SPCA!
October 2nd-31st
All ages
We are collecting items for the SPCA in Cortland County. Their wishlist includes dog and cat food, cardboard cat scratchers, cat toys, used blankets and sheets, used towels and washcloths, pill pockets, squeeze cheese, peanut butter, easy walk harnesses, slip leads. Please bring your items to Peck Memorial Library when the library is open. Our hours are listed on our website.
No registration required
Fill the Food Pantry
October 1st-21st
All ages
Phillips Free Library will be collecting food items for our food pantry from October 1-21. Each person who brings 5 non-perishable and not expired food items will receive a ticket to drop off at a participating Homer business. During the week of October 22nd a name will be drawn and that person will win a $25 gift card to the business where they entered their card. There is no limit on how many times you can enter. A list of participating businesses is available at the library.
No registration required
Port Byron Fire Department Christmas Toy Drive
September 21st – October 21st
All ages
Port Byron Library will be collecting unwrap, new toys for the Port Byron Fire Department’s Annual Community Christmas Party. These toys will be given to children 12 and under who reside within the Port Byron School District.
No registration required, all persons are welcome to donate a toy.
New Socks & Underwear Drive
September 23rd – October 21st
All ages
We will be holding a new sock & underwear drive for CHILDREN to benefit the Seneca County Children’s Committee. Please consider donating brand new children’s socks and/or underwear to help out local families. Donations may be dropped off anytime during open hours.
No registration required
Community Day
October 21st from 11:00am-1:00pm
All ages
Meet local community groups doing great work, and find out how you can get involved!
No registration required
Waterloo Library & Historical Society
Friends Giving Back To Our Community!
October 16th-20th from 5:00-7:00pm
All ages (focus on children)
Bring items to the Weedsport Free Library to support our local Brutus – Sennett Food Pantry. Items are listed below. Come enjoy cider, donuts and do a craft with other library friends! The fall festivities will be set up in the main library and no registration is required. The Brutus – Sennett Food Pantry is available to service families, the young, the old or anyone in need that resides in the Brutus or Sennett area.
Needed Items: soups, jarred pickles, box pie mix, canned fruit pie filling, pudding, graham cracker pie crust, and fruit juice boxes.
No registration required
Diapers for KIND Project (Kids In Need of Diapers)
September 1 – October 8
The Apalachin Library is collecting diapers of any size to donate to the KIND program in Owego. This program distributes diapers to families in our area who need them. KIND stands for Kids In Need of Diapers.
Give Back to the King Ferry Food Pantry
October 1-22
Help support our neighbors at Thanksgiving. We are requesting donations of pie filling or monetary donations to King Ferry Food Pantry. Items can be dropped off at either Aurora Free Library (315) 364-8074 or Hazard Library (315) 364-7975.
Berkshire’s Creekside Park Clean Up
October 15 (rain date October 22)
10:00 am-1:00 pm
@ Creekside Park, Berkshire NY
For all ages
Come join your neighbors and help keep our park beautiful. If you have rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows etc., you are welcome to bring them with you.
All are welcome, no registration required. If you need more info, please call 607 657-4418 or look on our website,
Bread of Life Pantry Collection Drive
October 1-31
Candor Free Library will be collecting non-perishable food and personal care items for Candor Bread of Life Food Pantry. The collection bin will be in the library lobby.
Diapers for KIND Project (Kids In Need of Diapers)
September 1 – October 15
Coburn Free Library is hosting a DIAPER DONATION DRIVE to support the work of the Tioga County KIND Project (Kids In Need of Diapers).
Wishlist: Diapers (all brands and sizes), pull-ups, Ointment (Desitin or A&D), and baby wipes.
If you’d like to help, drop donations by the library during open hours.
Coburn Free Library is located at 275 Main Street, Owego and open MWF from 10am-5pm, T/Th 2pm-7pm, and Saturdays from 1pm-4pm.
Donations may be mailed to Coburn Free Library 275 Main Street, Owego, NY 13827 c/o The KIND Project.
SPCA Donation Drive
September 16 – October 15
We will be collecting urgently needed items for our local SPCA. Our building is closed to the public so participation is restricted to staff.
Give Back to the King Ferry Food Pantry
October 1-22
Help support our neighbors at Thanksgiving. We are requesting donations of pie filling or monetary donations to King Ferry Food Pantry. Items can be dropped off at either Aurora Free Library (315) 364-8074 or Hazard Library (315) 364-7975.
Great Give Back
October 3 – November 7
The library will be collecting personal care items for the McGraw Community Food Pantry. For a complete list of suggested donations please visit the library’s website, All donations can be made during library hours.
Personal Hygiene Products Drive for the Lansing Food Pantry
October 1-15
The Lansing Community Library will be collecting personal hygiene products, feminine products, and laundry detergent for the Lansing Food Pantry. Donations can be dropped off any time during our open hours. Thank you for helping us to help the Food Pantry.
Be a SOUPer Hero!
September 10 – October 15
We are looking to help support our local food pantry with extra cans of food, peanut butter and other items. We will have a list when it is closer to the time of donation. We do not want any fresh produce or items that need refrigeration.
Registration is not requited. We ask that you bring your food items to the library during our open hours. Please do not leave anything outside where it can be ruined by the weather.
Support the Food Pantry
October 15 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm
For all ages
We’re collecting non-perishable food items for our food pantry. Please bring them into the library. There’ll be cooking demonstrations and tasting opportunities.
Canned Food Drive
September 15 – October 15
We will be collecting canned food for the Throopsville Community Church and the Port Byron United Methodist Church.
Community Clean Up
October 15 from 12:00 pm-3:00 pm
People’s Park in Seneca Falls
All ages welcome
Anyone is welcome to attend or participate in this event!
Food & Can Drive
September 15 – October 15
There are 2 drop off locations for this drive: Seneca Falls Library & The Seneca County Office for the Aging
Stewart B. Lang Library
Waterloo Library & Historical society
Animal Shelter Donation
September 24-October 1
The Waterloo Library & Historical Society will be hosting an Animal Shelter Donation Drive starting at our annual Cookie Fun Run on September 24 and concluding October 1.
Donations for all animal types will be accepted including blankets, pillows food, shavings, litter and treats
FLSPCA Donation Drive
September 15-October 15
Weedsport Free Library will be collecting donations for the Finger Lakes SPCA from September 15th-October 15th. We will have a collection box and invite the community to drop items from the FLSPCA Wish List for cats and dogs in need.
Collecting Socks
September 16 – October 16
Coburn Free Library, in collaboration with Tioga County Rural Ministries, is collecting adult socks and winter gloves to be distributed by Tioga County Rural Ministries. We have many in our community who are in need of warm clothing this winter. Please support us by bringing adult sized socks and adult sized winter gloves to the library at 275 Main Street, Owego. Men’s winter gloves are especially needed. Thank you for supporting Tioga County, NY.
No registration required. Drop socks/gloves by the library during open hours. Coburn Free Library is located at 275 Main Street, Owego and open MWF from 10am-5pm, T/Th 2pm-7pm, and Saturdays from 1pm-4pm.
Giving to Our Neighbors at King Ferry Food Pantry
October 1-23
The Aurora Free Library and Hazard Library will be giving to our neighbors through donations of Thanksgiving foods to the King Ferry Food Pantry. As requested by the Food Pantry we are asking for donations specifically of Boxed Turkey Stuffing Mix, Shelf-Stable Turkey Gravy,
Small Canned Yams, and Cranberry Jelly. the pantry is also always in need of monetary donations to assist them in purchasing needed foods from the Food Bank. Donations can be dropped off at either library during their open hours between October 1-23.
Bread of Life Food and Personal Hygiene Collection
October 11-29
We will be collecting food and personal hygiene items for the Candor Bread of Life Food Pantry. Items to be donated should be brought to Candor Free Library.
Tioga County Warm Hands/Warm Feet Project
October 1-20 during library hours
Coburn Free Library, in collaboration with Tioga County Rural Ministries, is collecting adult socks and winter gloves to be distributed by Tioga County Rural Ministries. We have many in our community who are in need of warm clothing this winter. Please support us by bringing adult sized socks and adult sized winter gloves to the library at 275 Main Street, Owego. Men’s winter gloves are especially needed. Thank you for supporting Tioga County, NY.
No registration required. Drop socks/gloves by the library during open hours. Coburn Free Library is located at 275 Main Street, Owego and open MWF from 10am-5pm, T/Th 2pm-7pm, and Saturdays from 1pm-4pm.
The Great Give Back
October 1 – November 1
Cortland Free Library will be participating in the Great Give Back by holding a collection drive for Cortland Loaves & Fishes.
Cortland Loaves & Fishes is a local organization that provides hospitality and meals to anyone in the community. Currently they are unable to serve in-person meals so instead are providing brown bag lunches every day to those that stop in – about 100 day. We will be collecting items for their lunch program.
Requested items include:
Zippered sandwich bags
#10 brown lunch bags (slightly larger than a regular lunch bag)
Plastic silverware
Individual condiment packets including: salt & pepper, ketchup, mustard and
Individually packaged snacks including: chips, cookies, granola bars, pudding, etc.
Individually packaged juice boxes or pouches
Donations can be made during library hours, and will be collected through November 1st.
Donation Drive for the SPCA of Tompkins County
September 17-October 13
As a library system, we are closed to the public so we are asking staff to donate items from the SPCA’s “Urgently Needed Items” list. If a member of the public would like to donate, they can email
Giving to Our Neighbors at King Ferry Food Pantry
October 1-23
The Aurora Free Library and Hazard Library will be giving to our neighbors through donations of Thanksgiving foods to the King Ferry Food Pantry. As requested by the Food Pantry we are asking for donations specifically of Boxed Turkey Stuffing Mix, Shelf-Stable Turkey Gravy,
Small Canned Yams, and Cranberry Jelly. the pantry is also always in need of monetary donations to assist them in purchasing needed foods from the Food Bank. Donations can be dropped off at either library during their open hours between October 1-23.
The Great Give Back – Personal Care Items Collection
September 13 – October 16
The Lamont Memorial Free Library is collecting personal care items for the McGraw Community Food Pantry. A list of suggested donations can be found on the library’s website, Donations can be made during library hours until Saturday, October 16th.
The Great Give Back – Winter Coats & Jackets Collection
The Lamont Memorial Free Library is collecting winter coats and jackets for all ages. Donations must be laundered and ready to wear. Donations can be made during library hours until October 16th. Coats collected during the Great Give Back will be given away on October 19th and 21st. Hat and mitten sets from our Knit and Crochet group will also be available.
Lodi Whittier Library (Elizabeth Garnsey Delvan Library)
Thanksgiving Food Drive
October 16 – November 19
Our library is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive to collect non-perishable food items to add the the Lodi Food Pantry’s Thanksgiving baskets distributed for the holiday. All are welcome to participate. Please see our website, for details.
Give Back to the Cortland County SPCA
September 15 – October 16
Peck Memorial Library will collect supplies for the Cortland County SPCA. You are able to drop off donations for them until October 16th. We welcome all items that are listed on our Facebook page.
The Great Library Give Back Knit-In
Saturday, October 16
Every fall the Homer Elks and their Operation Warm program provide winter coats to those in need. As part of NY Libraries’ Great Give Back, Phillips Free Library is teaming up with the Elks to collect new scarves, hats, and mittens for children and teens to be given away with the coats. Mark your calendars for Oct. 16th when we kick off our donation drive by hosting a “Knit-In” at the library for all local knitters and crocheters to make hats and mittens. If you want to provide hats and mittens to those in need, feel free to start your needles now! Watch for more details in the coming weeks.
Knit-In: Hat and Mitten Drive
October 16 – November 1
In conjunction with the Homer Elks Club, Phillips Free Library is collecting new hats, scarves and mittens for youth to be distributed with the coats as part of the Elks’ Operation Warm. We are having a Knit-In on 10/16 for people to come and knit hats, mittens, and scarves, drop off items for donation, learn how to knit, and attending a spinning (as in spinning wheel) demonstration. Items will continue to be collected through 11/1/2021. See our website for details.
The Great Give Back
October 1-16
We encourage all patrons to join us in creating beautiful KINDNESS CARDS in the library (supplies provided)! These cards will later be distributed to patrons in local nursing homes and Mozaic facilities. We are also asking people to donate items to the Beverly Animal Shelter.
Stewart B. Lang Memorial Library
Collecting Health and Beauty and Paper Products for the Local Food Pantry
September 7 – October 16
We will be collecting health and beauty and personal paper products to supplement the local food pantry.
Waterloo Library & Historical Society
Warm Up the Community
October 8-16
Bring your warm coats, gloves, mittens or hats to the Waterloo Library & Historical Society, 31 E Williams St. Waterloo, from October 8th-October 16th during regular library hours. Items will be donated to Ashia’s closet in honor of Domestic Abuse Awareness Month and the Seneca County Coat Project help keep our community warm. Drop off any items during regular library hours.
Stray Haven Food and Supplies Drive
October 11-16
Waverly Free Library (Oct. 11-15) and East Waverly Park (Oct. 16)
We will be hosting a week-long food and supplies drive for Stray Haven Humane Society, which will conclude at a program by Sled Dogs of Smokey Hill on Saturday, Oct. 16, at 11 a.m.
Give to KIND
September 1-October 19
Please donate diapers of any size and wipes to the bin outside on the library porch. We will be helping our neighbors in need by distributing these diapers to families in need.
The Great Give Back at Aurora Free Library
September 24 – 17
The Aurora Free Library and Hazard Library Association will be joining together to support the King Ferry Food Pantry through the Great Give Back. Please help your neighbors in the Southern Cayuga Community through donations of boxed cereals and canned mixed fruit. You can drop off donations at either library during their open hours from Sat 9/17-Sat 9/24.
Park Clean Up
March 3, 2021 from 10 am – 12 pm
Berkshire Creek Side Park
For all ages. Spring clean up. Registration at the Berkshire Free Library – Come dressed for the weather
Lodi Whittier Library (Elizabeth Garnsey Delvan Library)
2020: Paper Products Drive
October 17 – November 21
Lodi Whittier Library is hosting a community-wide collection of toilet paper and paper towels to benefit the Lodi Community Food Pantry. Collection bins are inside and outside the library.
Stewart B. Lang Memorial Library
Collecting Paper Products
October 10 – 24
In celebration of the Great Give Back library initiative, we will be collecting items for the local food pantry that are always in short supply and cannot be purchased with food pantry funds. Personal paper products and health and beauty aids will be collected from October 10 to October 24 2020. Patron may drop items off during our open hours or leave them in the drop box. We are proud to be a part of this neighbors helping neighbors event!